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Grade 1


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Islamic Education

Arabic Language

English Language


Computer Studies

program Detail

Grade 1

6 materials 162 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


  • The first grade marks the beginning of the fundamental learning journey. In this stage, students acquire essential skills in the Arabic language, including recognizing the alphabet, forming simple words, and reading basic texts. In English, students become familiar with the alphabet and learn simple words and phrases. In science, they explore basic concepts such as force, states of matter, plants, and animals. In mathematics, students are taught counting, sequencing, addition and subtraction within 20, and basic geometric shapes. In Islamic education, children are introduced to Islamic values and morals, several pillars of Islam and Iman (faith), and key events in the prophetic biography. Additionally, students become acquainted with fundamental computer concepts.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Numbers and Operations, you will learn to read and write numbers up to two digits, order and compare numbers up to two digits, add numbers within 20 using various methods, subtract numbers within 20 using various methods, add and subtract numbers up to two digits, understand fractions as part of a whole and part of a set, and distinguish between coins to determine if they are sufficient for purchase or not.
  • Regarding Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, you will learn to create geometric patterns.
  • For Geometry and Measurement, you will learn about plane shapes, solid figures, reading time to the nearest hour and half-hour, writing and ordering the days of the week starting with any day, comparing and ordering the lengths, masses, and volumes of objects in ascending and descending order, measuring the lengths, masses, and volumes of objects using non-standard units.
  • Regarding Data Analysis and Probability, you will learn about processing and interpreting data.
  • - Solving complex mathematical problems.
  • - Applying mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Islamic Faith: You will learn about some pillars of Iman (faith), pillars of Islam, and some of the Names and Attributes of Allah, such as The Creator, The All-Hearing and The All-Seeing, The Forgiving, The Merciful and The Compassionate, along with some short Surahs and Hadith.
  • Morals and Manners: You will learn about various morals and manners needed in daily life through stories, such as the etiquette of eating, asking for permission, cleanliness and conserving water, mosque etiquette, tolerance, honoring parents, respecting elders, guarding the tongue, and kindness to animals.
  • Worship: You will learn the basics of purification, ablution, prayers (salat), giving charity, Alms-giving (zakat), and fasting during Ramadan (saum).
  • The Prophetic Biography and Personalities: You will learn aspects of the noble Prophetic biography, such as the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the revelation of the Quran, his invitation to Islam, as well as aspects of the personalities of some companions, like Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them), and Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her).
  • Reading Skill: This involves developing visual awareness by observing pictures, scrutinizing their details, and discussing them. It includes distinguishing between different and similar elements within images, noting the variations in size, as well as recognizing the proper direction for reading words in a sentence and the correct way to read sentences within a paragraph.
  • Listening Skill: This skill is developed through the ability to listen and differentiate various linguistic units, identify words and their tones, understand syllables, and merge distinct sounds into coherent speech.
  • Writing Skill: This focuses on developing essential abilities, such as improving fine motor skills in the hands and fingers, learning to hold and control the pen correctly, enhancing hand-eye coordination, and familiarizing with the general direction of writing, which proceeds from right to left. The curriculum introduces the 28 letters of the alphabet, along with their four diacritical marks, and details the name and sound associated with each letter.
  • Begin to understand and interact with spoken English on a variety of simple basic topics.
  • Demonstrate recognition of the letters of the English alphabet and their Combinations in basic words.
  • Reproduce single-words and simple formulaic utterances.
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate using simple statements in guided contexts.
  • Develop pre-reading strategies.
  • Demonstrate understanding of simple words/ phrases in reading materials.
  • Understand that writing is a form of expression to be enjoyed.
  • Understand that the world around him/her is full of visual language that conveys meaning.
  • Respond and use visual language in a more purposeful way.
  • For Earth and Space Sciences, you will learn about the Earth and sky, the four seasons, rocks and sands and their uses, and how to conserve water.
  • Regarding Life Sciences, you will explore the needs of plants and animals for survival, the parts of plants and animals, the habitats of living things, the food chain, and what a nature reserve provides for living beings.
  • In Physics, you will be introduced to concepts of position and movement, the effects of force and its types, materials and their uses, classification of materials, and states of matter.
  • Regarding Science, Technology, and Human Activity, you will learn about healthy habits to prevent diseases, communication through drawing, shapes, body language, energy resources, and adaptation methods for changes in their lives.
  • For Habits of Mind, you will discover values and attitudes, calculation and estimation, manual control and observation, communication skills, and critical response skills.
  • In Thinking, you will learn to follow algorithms in everyday life, trace and fix errors, and sequence the steps of an algorithm.
  • In Programming, you will learn that an algorithm can be converted into programming instructions in a computer, that programs may contain errors that need to be corrected, and how to identify the reason a program does not work as intended according to the algorithm.
  • In the field of Data Management, you will learn that computerized devices collect data to answer questions, that data can be arranged and organized, and how to use models to record data.
  • In the field of Networks and Communications, you will learn that some devices can connect to form a network, understand the concept of the Internet, and the devices that can be connected to the Internet.
  • In Computer Systems, you will learn to differentiate between computer systems based on their use, that computers can run different programs, and methods of data entry, and that the computer controls devices.

Study Plan

162 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 35
Number of classes per academic year 11
Number of classes per academic year 30
Number of classes per academic year 52
Number of classes per academic year 22
Number of classes per academic year 12

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Subtraction image

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Free education for all levels from kindergarten to higher education
Interactive presentation of educational materials to enhance student's skills
We provide accredited certificates for your future career
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