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Grade 9


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.

Arabic Language

English Language


Computer Studies




Earth and Environmental Sciences

Social Studies

Islamic culture

Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Foundation of religion


program Detail

Grade 9

13 materials 381 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In the ninth grade, students make significant progress in developing their skills in various core subjects. In the Arabic language, they delve deeper into understanding grammar and morphology, and they enhance their critical reading and creative writing skills. Regarding Islamic education, their understanding of Islamic values and ethics increases, and they become able to analyze religious texts more profoundly. In science, they engage in advanced scientific experiments that help them better understand scientific concepts. In mathematics, they master complex mathematical operations and solve mathematical problems with skill and precision. In computer science, they learn programming skills and apply them to practical projects that enhance their understanding of technology. Finally, in the English language, they advance in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and they explore advanced literary and cultural topics in English.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn to express inequalities using sets and intervals, solve compound inequalities and represent the solution set on the number line, solve equations and absolute value inequalities, represent linear inequalities with two variables graphically, determine if a relationship is a function or not, interpret graphical representations of relationships, understand quadratic relations and their properties, and graphically represent them on the coordinate plane. You will solve quadratic equations using various methods, utilize laws of exponents to simplify exponential expressions, simplify radical expressions and perform operations on them, solve equations containing roots, simplify rational algebraic expressions and perform operations on them, and solve rational equations.
  • In Geometry and Metrics, students will learn to represent the graphs of quadratic relations resulting from the application of one or more geometric transformations on the parent quadratic function, find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane, find the midpoint of a line segment in the coordinate plane, find the distance between a point and a line, apply coordinate geometry to prove some theories, apply theories related to similar parts in triangles and use them to find unknown measures, use perpendicular bisectors of sides and angle bisectors of triangles to find unknown measures, find the centroid and orthocenter of a triangle, distinguish between sine, cosine, and tangent ratios as ratios between sides of a right-angled triangle, and use them to find unknown measures in the triangle.
  • In the field of data analysis and probability, students will learn to find measures of dispersion for individual and grouped data in frequency tables, organize data into frequency tables with classes, estimate measures of central tendency for frequency tables with classes, find probability using visual forms, and determine geometric probabilities.
  • - Solve complex mathematical problems.
  • - Apply mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.

  • Students will learn about topics relevant to Muslims in the present time, such as the tolerance of Islam, its respect for other religions, and its relationship with them. They will also explore the Prophet Muhammad's stance towards previous messengers, along with examples showcasing Islam's tolerance towards people of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Additionally, students will delve into topics like extremism and terrorism, distinguishing them from jihad, and examples of Islam's combat against terrorism. Furthermore, students will study a range of ethical values, including honesty, chastity, trustworthiness, compassion, justice, and forbearance.

  • Students will learn some aspects of jurisprudential rulings according to the Shafi'i school of thought. These rulings include some family laws, such as al-Zihar (an oath taken by a husband to swear that his wife is to him like his mother's back), its ruling, and its expiation; the waiting period after divorce (iddah) and its types; al-Ihdad (a woman’s renunciation of her husband); al-Sukna (residence) and its conditions; breastfeeding, its ruling, and the conditions for its prohibition; financial maintenance (nafaqah) and its reasons; and custody, its ruling, and the conditions for the custodian. Students will also learn some aspects of criminal laws and penalties, such as: types of homicide and the consequent rulings; laws of blood money (diyah); the wisdom behind the legality of retribution, fixed punishments, and blood money; and the impact of applying legally mandated penalties.
  • Furthermore, students will learn some aspects of hunting, sacrificial animals, Udhiyah (sacrificial animals during Eid al-Adha), Aqiqah (sacrificial rites for a newborn), and their conditions, what is permissible to eat from them and what is not; correct slaughtering methods; the Sunan (recommended practices) of sacrificial animals and Aqiqah; laws regarding oaths and vows; matters related to oaths; the ruling on breaking them; and the types of vows.
  • Students will also delve into judicial matters, the ruling on assuming the position of a judge, the conditions for a judge, mandatory actions for a judge, what is prohibited and disliked for a judge, procedural aspects of adjudication, whose testimony is admissible, when a judge's written statement is accepted by another judge, lawsuits and evidence, judgment based on evidence, the ruling on a claim by two individuals, the laws of swearing regarding oneself and others, witnessing and justice, and the conditions for both the witness and justice. Additionally, some inheritance laws, related rulings, the wisdom behind its legitimacy, its conditions, pillars, and specific types, and the division of estates will be covered.

  • In Tawheed (Monotheism), students will learn aspects of the science of monotheism, including the meaning of the Hereafter (the questioning in the grave, the bliss and torment of the grave), the ruling on believing in it, the concept of the Propagation, Resurrection, Reckoning, Balance, and the Bridge, the ruling on believing in them and the evidence for it, the conditions of people in the Resurrection and Reckoning, the concept of Reward and Punishment, Paradise and Hell, the Angels, and the Jinn, and their characteristics and the ruling on believing in them, as well as the evidence for these creedal judgments, as well as Sufism, its principles, the signs of one knowledgeable of Allah the Almighty, and the types of remembrance. Also, the three sects preserved the religion of the Ummah.
  • In Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis), students will learn to interpret selected verses from the Holy Quran that address various topics, such as the danger of corruption on earth and its consequences, the righteous way to argue with the People of the Book, some reprehensible behaviors condemned by the Quran and their consequences, the eloquence and rhetoric of the Quran that surpasses human capability, the love of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the establishment of a pure and virtuous society where honor is preserved and virtues spread, the etiquettes of gatherings, the importance of verifying news, the qualities of the servants of the Most Merciful, the seriousness of violating others' property and killing, and the lessons learned from the Quranic verses.
  • In Hadith, students will learn some noble Prophetic traditions and their general meanings, addressing diverse topics such as the right of a Muslim over his brother, the right of the neighbor, the value of work, the importance of assuming responsibility, the danger of intimidating the innocent and the importance of words, the etiquettes of the road, the most beloved deeds to Allah the Almighty, the seven who will be shaded by Allah on the Day of Judgment, and the lessons, guidance, rulings, and etiquettes derived from these traditions.
  • In the Seerah (Biography) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), students will learn aspects of the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), such as the reasons for the expeditions (Khaybar, Mu'tah, Hunayn, Tabuk), their outcomes, the reasons for the conquest of Mecca, the events of the conquest, the Farewell Pilgrimage, the characteristics of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the events of his passing, the hardships endured in the path of Allah the Almighty, and the lessons derived from these topics.

  • Students will learn some principles of the science of Tajweed, including pausing (waqf) and resuming (ibtida'), detached (muqatta'ah) and connected (mawsul) letters, the feminine 'ha' written with a 'taa' with grammatical case ending ('marbouta'), and the connecting hamzah.

  • Grammar: Empowering students to use functional grammar through practical, real-life examples to explain the rules facilitates their understanding and comprehension. Assisting students in developing a linguistic sense and a solid command of language through which they understand and appreciate language enables them to critique speech, distinguish its correctness from errors, and employ vocabulary and paragraphs properly. Connecting linguistic material and applying it to students' interests, preferences, aspects of their activity, and needs. Training students to build words correctly and address their linguistic, grammatical, and morphological errors.
  • Reading: developing students' research and investigation skills in sources, references, and language dictionaries. Cultivating students' thinking, stimulating their minds, organizing their thoughts, and nurturing their imagination with elements of growth and innovation. Developing students' evaluation skills for reading texts to assess their understanding of the text and predict possible outcomes of the text.
  • Writing and Composition: Developing persuasive writing skills and contributing to the development of students' analytical, critical, and logical thinking abilities. Equipping students with the ability to write clearly through clear main ideas supported by strong sub-ideas and rich details that suit the topic and substantiating the validity of the main ideas with quotations or examples. Instilling in learners the ability to express themselves in a language that observes the rules of good usage according to the systems of grammatical and morphological rules.

  • Understand and interact with spoken English in a variety of authentic presentations, instructions, questions, and conversations.
  • Demonstrate recognition of phonological features and use them to construct meaning.
  • Use strategies of active listening to comprehend discussions and presentations.
  • Develop pronunciation skills with specific emphasis on intonation and stress.
  • Develop the ability to cohesively and coherently speak on a variety of academic topics.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information in factual, informational, and literary texts.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of grammar and usage as well as vocabulary when reading a text.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of writing strategies and paragraph components using different resources.
  • Report on information taken from different print and online sources.
  • Understand that the use of a range of visual text resources can provide information and influence the audience.
  • Use visual imagery to present factual information and select information he/she considers reliable and effective.

  • In the topic of Matter: Its Composition and Properties of Matter, students will be introduced to modern atomic theory, the stages of discovering atomic components, the periodic table, and you will become acquainted with acids, bases, and their properties. Regarding Chemical Reactions and Calculations,, students will learn about the activity of metals, types of reactions, while in Energy Transformations in Chemical Reactions, students will delve into electrochemistry, the concept of oxidation and reduction, and various types of electrochemical cells and the activity series.

  • In the field of human and earth environment, students will become acquainted with solid waste: its sources, components, disposal methods, its impact on the environment, and how to utilize it. In the realm of Earth's components, you will learn about crystalline systems and their use in mineral identification, classification of minerals with representation, and the economic value of minerals.
  • In the field of astronomy and space sciences, students will explore the solar system, the origin and evolution of the sun, celestial bodies composing the solar system and their classification, planetary orbits and Kepler's equations, as well as modern information about planets and the moon.
  • In the field of geological processes, students will delve into rainfall and groundwater, the main source of fresh water on Earth, the fate of rainfall after precipitation, the relationship between rainfall and groundwater, the groundwater reservoir and how water is found in it, and the role of rainfall and groundwater in shaping the Earth's surface and subsurface.
  • In the field of atmospheric science and meteorology, students will learn about atmospheric physics, the components of the atmosphere and their temperatures, solar radiation energy and how it heats the Earth's atmosphere, and the role of the atmosphere in protecting life on Earth.

  • In the field of interrelationships in ecosystems, you will become familiar with scientists' study of interrelationships within ecosystems, including both living and non-living components, energy transfer within the ecosystem, food chains and food webs, chemical cycles in the ecosystem, ecological pyramid models, and an understanding of life on Earth.
  • In the field of life sciences, you will explore key concepts in life sciences, the role of life sciences in human life, and its future.
  • In the area of cells and their processes, you will learn about cells: their structure, function, material transport across the plasma membrane, and the investigation of cell growth and division.
  • In the field of animal and plant tissues, you will become acquainted with animal and plant tissues.

  • In Fluid Mechanics, students will become acquainted with fluids and what determines fluid pressure. In the realm of Motion in One Dimension, they will learn about Newton's three laws. In Work, Power, and Energy, students will understand each concept and find it mathematically, calculating mechanical advantage. Lastly, in the field of Light Refraction, students will learn Snell's Law, types of lenses and their uses, and explain phenomena like mirages, rainbows, and halos.

  • In computer literacy, students will become familiar with the role of technology in modeling and simulation. Students will learn the concept of e-government, its objectives, and the requirements for its establishment. Additionally, students will utilize e-government websites, understand legislation related to e-government operations, and explore the nature of e-learning, its types, benefits, and drawbacks. You will also engage with various technologies used in e-learning, understand virtual schools and universities, and utilize electronic libraries and books while identifying the target audience for e-learning.
  • In Design, students will learn about the components of films, methods of acquisition, distinguish between groups, projects, and films, create a film from video clips, and apply effects to it. Furthermore, in web design, students will design web pages using HTML language, understand lists, add images and tables, link web pages to other pages and sites, and embed audio and video clips.
  • In practical application, students will learn about spreadsheets, data entry, and editing, grasp the concept of ranges, organize worksheets, work with rows and columns, format tables and cells according to specific conditions, perform copy, cut, and paste operations, conduct arithmetic operations based on application priorities, utilize absolute cell references in arithmetic equations, use office suites to process data, visually represent worksheet contents, and employ various methods to search for information.

  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

381 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 37
Number of classes per academic year 57
Number of classes per academic year 47
Number of classes per academic year 19
Number of classes per academic year 32
Number of classes per academic year 47
Number of classes per academic year 4
Number of classes per academic year 22
Number of classes per academic year 23
Number of classes per academic year 18
Number of classes per academic year 36
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 31

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