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Grade 2


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Islamic Education

Arabic Language

English Language


Computer Studies

program Detail

Grade 2

6 materials 159 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


  • In the second grade, students develop a variety of academic and social skills. In Arabic, they begin to learn basic language structures and word formation, as well as Reading and fundamental Spelling rules (Dictation). In English, students expand their Vocabulary and enhance their Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking skills through engaging stories and interactive activities. In Science, they explore new concepts about Nature, Materials, Sound, and Light. In Mathematics, they tackle problems involving Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division with numbers up to three digits, and they study Geometric Shapes, Patterns, and how to Tell Time. Additionally, in Islamic Education, they learn about Islamic Values and Practices, which aids in developing their Moral and Religious understanding and deepens their knowledge of the Pillars of Faith, notable Biographies, and exemplary Characters. In Computer Science, students gain insights into using Educational Software, acquire Basic Computer Skills, and learn about different types of Networks.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In numbers and operations, students will learn about reading and writing numbers up to three digits, comparing and ordering numbers up to three digits, conducting addition and subtraction within three-digit figures, mastering multiplication facts for numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5, comprehending division principles and some of its key facts and their correlation with multiplication, understanding unit fractions, and discerning various currency denominations.
  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn about geometric pattern formation. Additionally.
  • in Geometry and Measurement, students will learn about plane shapes and solids, understand the months of the year, read time to the nearest five minutes and quarter-hour, and grasp certain units of measurement for length, mass, and capacity.
  • Furthermore, in Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn about data processing and interpretation.
  • solve complex mathematical problems.
  • Apply mathematical concepts to real-life scenarios.
  • Islamic Faith: Students will learn some pillars of Iman (faith), such as belief in Allah’s books, belief in the messengers, belief in the last day, belief in the oneness of Allah Almighty, the story of creation, the concept of paradise and its entry requirements, and some of the beautiful names of Allah, such as the Al Razzak, along with selected chapters from the Holy Quran and Hadeeth.
  • Morals and Manners: Students will learn some morals and ethics essential for daily life through stories, such as cleanliness, helping others, tolerance, humility, honoring parents, generosity, and participation.
  • Worship: students will learn about the basics of cleansing, the call to prayer (Adhan), congregational prayer, almsgiving and sadaqah, pilgrimage, and fasting.
  • The Prophetic Biography and Personalities: Students will explore aspects of the Prophetic biography, including the miracles surrounding the birth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his mission in Mecca, migration to Madinah, and his deeds in Madinah. Additionally, students will study the characters of several companions (both men and women), like Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, Aisha bint Abi Bakr, and Hafsah bint Umar, may Allah be pleased with them all. They will also learn about the virtues of other prophets, such as Prophet Ibrahim, the story of Zamzam, and the sacrifice of his son Ismail. Peace be upon them all.
  • Listening: This involves enhancing listening skills in Arabic and its sounds by listening to texts. Students will extract the main ideas, comprehend the meanings, and express them either verbally or through drawing.
  • Reading: We train students to read fluently in several stages: learning letter sounds, mastering the skill of blending letters to form words, understanding the content being read, and ensuring accuracy in pronunciation and sequencing.
  • Speaking: This is facilitated through activities that build on the students' comprehension.
  • Syntax and Structures: Students learn basic rules, including the use of first-person pronouns, second-person pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, the imperative form, components of a sentence, prepositions, and verbs in the past and present tense.
  • Written Expression: Students demonstrate their understanding of previously studied linguistic phenomena by writing two to five sentences in various expressive contexts: writing a sign, a recipe, a biography, a description of a place, a comic strip, and an invitation.
  • Dictation: Students write down new words from the six reading passages in each chapter.
  • Handwriting (Arabic Calligraphy): Students practice writing simple sentences in Naskh script, paying attention to the direction of the letters and the rules of writing.
  • Understand simple spoken words, phrases and sentences.
  • Understand and interact with spoken English in short, simple presentations, instructions, questions and guided conversations.
  • Pronounce words and expressions with correct stress and intonation.
  • Develop speaking strategies to communicate with basic accuracy.
  • Develop reading strategies to understand simple authentic reading materials.
  • Demonstrate understanding of short simple everyday reading materials.
  • Narrate a story or describe an object or place using simple sentences of 4-6 words.
  • Recognise that writing can produce a variety of responses from readers.
  • Interpret and respond to a range of visual text prompts.
  • In Geology and Space, students will learn about how soil forms, how the Earth's surface changes, and the reason why the sun appears larger than other stars.
  • In Biology, students will learn about the general characteristics of living organisms, the inheritance of traits from parents and the environment, the diversity of traits within a single species of animals, the needs of living organisms, adaptations that help living organisms survive in their environments, the impact of different environments on plants, structures in animal bodies that aid in their survival in different environments, structures in animal bodies that interact with various environmental factors, human body organs, the role of nutrition in the human body, and healthy habits and their role in human health.
  • In Physics, students will learn about sound and its properties, the importance of light and its sources, matter and its characteristics, states of matter and its properties, and electricity and its forms.
  • In Science, Technology, and Human Activity, students will learn about using technology to solve health problems and improve the quality of life, explore methods of transmitting and receiving information, study diverse energy resources and their applications, and engage with concepts of responsibility, active participation, citizenship, and belonging. In Mental Habits, students will learn about values and attitudes, calculation and estimation, manual control and observation, communication and interpersonal skills, and critical response skills.
  • In Thinking, students will learn to trace, understand, and correct linear algorithms, grasp the underlying concepts and procedural steps involved in algorithmic creation, and follow their results.
  • In Programming, students will understand how code instructions work, proficiently translate algorithms into executable programs, plan programming tasks, grasp the importance of collaborative work, and understand the significance of testing programs during development.
  • In Data Management, students will understand the importance of organizing data and information within computer systems, how to use computing devices to represent data, verify the methods of using computing devices, identify the types of statistical data that can be recorded using computing devices, and learn to obtain information through statistical and non-statistical questions. In Networks and Communications, students will identify devices connected to the Internet, wired and wireless networks, and how devices connected to the Internet can share information and devices, with potential risks involved.

Study Plan

159 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 38
Number of classes per academic year 13
Number of classes per academic year 27
Number of classes per academic year 50
Number of classes per academic year 20
Number of classes per academic year 11

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Free education for all levels from kindergarten to higher education
Interactive presentation of educational materials to enhance student's skills
We provide accredited certificates for your future career
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