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Grade 3


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Islamic Education

Arabic Language

English Language


Computer Studies

program Detail

Grade 3

6 materials 156 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


  • In the third grade, students deepen their skills across multiple subjects. In Arabic, they learn grammar and spelling in greater depth, begin to analyze short texts, and write based on their understanding. In Islamic Education, students delve deeper into the study of Islamic values and ethics and gain a deeper understanding of religious teachings through stories and interactive topics. They also expand further into aspects of worship and biographies. In Science, students broaden their knowledge of scientific phenomena and practical experiments and begin to understand environmental relationships and biological adaptations. In Mathematics, students advance in studying complex arithmetic operations such as multiplication and division up to 4 digits, and they start learning how to calculate the perimeter and area of geometric shapes, as well as fractions and their basic operations. In Computer Science, students learn fundamental programming concepts and begin creating simple programs and understanding the role of robots in tasks. In English, students progress in reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, and begin to use more advanced grammatical rules and complex vocabulary.
  • What you'll learn

    The student will learn in this class:

      • In Numbers and Operations, you will learn to read and write numbers up to four digits, add and subtract numbers within four digits, multiplication facts within 10×10, division facts, multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number, dividing a two-digit number by a one-digit number, reading and writing fractions, and comparing and ordering fractions.
      • In the field of Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, you will learn about creating geometric patterns.
      • In Geometry and Measurement, you will learn about the concepts of angles and straight lines, reading time to the nearest minute, calculating time intervals, converting between units of length, mass, and volume, and finding the perimeter and area of shapes.
      • In Data Analysis and Probability, you will learn about interpreting data and representing it using art forms, two-way tables, and bar graphs.
      • - Solving complex mathematical problems.
      • - Applying mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
    • Islamic Faith: You will learn about the oneness of Allah Almighty, our life with the Holy Quran and the Noble Sunnah, and some of the Names and Attributes of Allah, such as The Sovereign (Al-Malik), The Source of Peace (As-Salam), The Pardoner (Al-Afuw), along with several Surahs, verses from the Holy Quran, and noble Hadiths.
    • Morals and Manners: You will learn some of the ethics and manners needed in daily life through stories, such as trustworthiness, mercy, perfection in work, etiquettes of seeking knowledge, fearing Allah Almighty, and manners of interacting with others, showing mercy to others, and etiquettes of supplication.
    • Worship: You will learn the basics of purification and ablution, and prayer.
    • The Prophetic Biography and Personalities: You will explore aspects of the noble Prophetic biography, such as the Year of Sorrow, the journey to Ta'if, and Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) character with his family and companions. You will also learn about the personalities of some companions, like Zaid ibn Thabit, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, and Mus'ab ibn Umayr, may Allah be pleased with them, and Lady Fatimah al-Zahra, may Allah be pleased with her, as well as aspects of the characters of some prophets, like Prophet Yunus and Solomon, peace be upon them.
    • Listening: Enhance listening skills in Arabic and its sounds through listening texts. The student identifies the main idea, extracts and understands meanings, and strengthens listening skills.
    • Reading: Enhance reading skills through various types of texts such as stories, informational texts, and songs, going through stages of reading fluency, which include decoding letters, speed and sequencing, using intonation with meanings, and understanding one’s relation to the text or opinion about it.
    • Syntax and Structures: You will learn basic rules: prohibitive "la," imperative verb, present tense verb, causative "lam," interrogative tools, exclamatory style, past tense verb, adverbs of place, vocative case, singular and plural, adverbs of time, prepositions, conjunctions, nominal and verbal sentences, the hamza at the end after stretching the alif, hamzat al-wasl (connecting hamza) and hamzat al-qat’ (separating hamza), active participle, and broken plural.
    • Written Expression: This involves demonstrating previously studied linguistic phenomena through writing various texts: illustrated signs, brochures, informational paragraphs, writing paragraphs, writing a newspaper article, writing a suggestion letter, stories, advertisements, persuasive paragraphs, paragraphs suggesting solutions, writing opinions
    • Dictation: distinguishing between long and short vowels, distinguishing the soft alif in pronunciation and writing, writing complete sentences using punctuation marks, distinguishing the sound of shadda and writing it, distinguishing between noon and tanween in pronunciation and writing, distinguishing between taa marbuta, the letter (ta), and (ha).
      • Understand and respond to spoken English in short presentations, instructions, questions, and guided conversations.
      • Use speaking strategies to clearly communicate simple information.
      • Participate in exchanges with basic accuracy and intelligibility.
      • Use reading strategies to understand a variety of short simple texts.
      • Demonstrate understanding of short simple everyday reading materials by responding to written instructions.
        • Clarify opinion, narrate a story or describe an object or place using simple and compound sentences.
        • Understand that visual texts may represent reality or fantasy.
        • Reflectively use visual texts to enrich his/her storytelling or presentations.
    • In Earth and Space Sciences, you will explore natural hazards, fossils, major landforms, and the components of the atmosphere. Regarding Life Sciences, you will learn about the components of ecosystems, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, elements of the food chain, the behavior of living things, the importance of reproduction in maintaining species, life cycles of living beings, and the impact of natural hazards on ecosystems.
    • In Physical Sciences, you will discover the effect of Earth's gravity on objects, the benefits of simple machines, electric charge, properties of matter and its states, mixtures and pure substances, types of mixtures, and separation of mixtures.
    • Regarding Science, Technology, and Human Activity, you will understand the role of science and technology in improving quality of life and solving health issues, communication technology skills in accessing resources, the concept of energy and heat, energy sources, the individual's role in the local community and their impact on the surrounding world, and different methods of social communication.
    • In Mental Habits, you will learn about values and attitudes, calculation and estimation, manual control and observation, communication and interpersonal skills, and critical response skills.
    • In Thinking: You will learn to follow, understand, edit, and correct linear algorithms, identify repetitive steps in daily tasks, the importance of logical thinking, predict algorithm modification outcomes, and divide programming tasks.
    • In Programming: benefits of program modification, reassigning objects, creating programs with simultaneous algorithms, modifying parts of a program, and creating programs based on specific requirements, benefits of teamwork, and program development for computerized output.
    • In Data Management: identifying solvable problems, representing data differently, understanding database components, and data selection.
    • In Networks and Communications: identifying network-connected devices, services available on a network, network advantages and limitations, and encrypting and decrypting texts.
    • In Computer Systems: distinguishing between computer components and their functions, understanding data types, the significance of computers in industry, identifying the Internet of Things, and explaining robots' roles in tasks.

    Study Plan

    156 Lectures

    Number of classes per academic year 35
    Number of classes per academic year 12
    Number of classes per academic year 28
    Number of classes per academic year 47
    Number of classes per academic year 22
    Number of classes per academic year 12

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    Free education for all levels from kindergarten to higher education
    Interactive presentation of educational materials to enhance student's skills
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