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Grade 6


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Islamic Education

Arabic Language

English Language


Computer Studies

Social Studies

program Detail

Grade 6

7 materials 217 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In sixth grade, the focus shifts towards developing students' skills in core subjects at a higher level of complexity and detail. In the Arabic language, students advance in understanding grammar and morphology rules and become proficient in analyzing literary texts with high skill, in addition to developing creative writing skills. In the English language, students' proficiency improves in speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, enabling them to effectively engage with complex materials and topics. In science, there is a deeper exploration of scientific concepts such as chemistry, physics, and biology, with a focus on scientific experiments and practical applications. In math, students progress in solving complex mathematical problems and understanding advanced mathematical relationships such as algebraic geometry and statistics. In Islamic education, students deepen their understanding of Islamic faith and Sharia law and learn how to apply Islamic values in their daily lives and interact with society.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Numbers and Operations, students will learn to use negative numbers and represent them, find the absolute value of an integer, compare and order integers, add and subtract integers, multiply and divide integers, add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers, multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers, multiply and divide decimal numbers, understand ratio and unit rate, identify equivalent ratios, convert between percentages, fractions, and decimals, and find a percentage of a number.
  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn to use powers and exponents to write multiplication expressions, use the order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions, solve two-step equations, and write a rule that connects each term in a sequence with the term that follows it.
  • In Geometry and Metric, students will learn to solve problems involving lengths, masses, and capacities using different units of measurement, locate a point in the coordinate plane, perform translations and reflections across the x and y axes in the coordinate plane, construct geometric figures, draw a triangle using a ruler, protractor, and compass, draw a circle using a ruler and compass, find measures of unknown angles in quadrilaterals using their properties, calculate the area of parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids, and find the volume of a rectangular prism and its surface area.
  • In Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn to recognize numerical and categorical data, understand populations and samples, calculate the mean, median, and mode for organized data in frequency tables, represent data using frequency histograms and circle graphs, and understand probability and probability scale.
  • Solve complex mathematical problems.
  • Apply mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Islamic Faith: Students will learn about the honor Allah Almighty bestows upon humans, the pillars of a Muslim's life, the sending of prophets, peace be upon them, and their journey through history, the Day of Judgment, the scale of deeds, the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the description of Paradise and its inhabitants, and some of the Beautiful Names of Allah, such as Al-'Aleem (The All-Knowing), Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful), Ar-Raheem (The Most Compassionate), Al-Latif (The Subtly Kind), Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living), Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer of existence), and some Surahs and verses from the Holy Quran and their Tajweed rules, such as: types of elongation (Madd), rules of seeking refuge (Isti'aadha) and basmala, and the rules of the silent 'Meem'.
  • The Prophetic Biography and Personalities: Students will learn about some events from the noble Prophetic biography, such as the Battle of Al-Ahzab, Soloh Al-Hudaybiyyah, Fatih Mecca, his farewell pilgrimage (Hijat Al Wada’a), and the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Students will also learn about the personalities of some companions (men and women), such as Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, Salman al-Farsi (may Allah be pleased with them), Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, and Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with them). Additionally, students will learn about some personalities of the prophets and the righteous mentioned in the Quran, such as in the story of Mariam (peace be upon her) and our master Issa (peace be upon him).
  • Worship: Students will learn the basics of different types of worship: physical, spiritual, verbal, financial, and the etiquette of honoring parents, companionship, attending the mosque, expressing gratitude, and showing appreciation.
  • Listening: clarifying the main idea of the topic, extracting and understanding meanings, and expressing them verbally or non-verbally. Additionally, introduce some vocabulary that will be encountered during the topic.
  • Reading: presenting diverse reading texts, whether literary or informational and introducing new vocabulary by discovering meaning through context and dictionary search. Then, progressing to exploring word roots and derivatives, discovering various meanings and uses of words, as well as synonyms, through diverse contexts in which the word is used, the student practices reading fluency skills.
  • In grammar: reviewing the grammatical signs for singular, dual, and plural forms, distinguishing between definite and indefinite articles and some types of definites, the detached and attached pronouns, the explicit and implicit subject, then learning the five nouns and their grammatical cases, the singular predicate, the nominal sentence as a predicate, the verbal sentence as a predicate, the prepositional phrase as a predicate, and then "Kana" and its sisters, and their predicates, then "Inna" and its sisters and their predicates, then a general review of grammatical signs for singular, dual, and plural forms, a general review of definite and indefinite articles and the five nouns, moving on to the nominative, accusative, and jussive cases of the present tense verb, the correct and weak forms of the present tense, then learning about the jussive case of the present tense verb and the five verbs and their grammatical states.
  • Writing Skills: reviewing hamza, tanween, shaddah, Lam al-Shamsiah and al-Qamariah, reviewing the elongation with Alif, Ya, and Waw, and distinguishing between Ta Marbuta, Ta Maftuha, and Ha. Practicing Naskh and Ruq'ah scripts and learning the elements and basics of writing: daily diaries, letters, dialogues, descriptive narratives, sermons, and publications; scene descriptions; social messages; newspaper articles; fictional stories; and essay writing.
  • Fluently communicate with less hesitation and a knowledge of stress and intonation in exchanges and dialogues.
  • Develop ability to interact using a variety of structures.
  • Demonstrate understanding of factual recounts, and informational and literary texts.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information in factual, informational and literary texts.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of grammar and usage as well as vocabulary when reading a text.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of writing strategies and paragraph components.
  • Write descriptive and narrative paragraphs for different audiences.
  • In Geology and Space, students will become acquainted with pollution, including water, air, and soil pollution, their sources, the impacts of pollution on humans and the environment, practices to reduce pollution, geological processes and deposition, the cosmos, galaxies, space, stars, the solar system, Earth's position in the universe, global warming, and the reasons for the increase in atmospheric temperature since the Industrial Revolution.
  • In biology, students will learn about ecosystem components, the roles of living organisms in energy transfer through food chains and nets, changes in population sizes, the effects of various interactions among members of biological communities, the cell in living organisms, cell structures and functions, internal balance, and cellular processes, as well as organisms' bodies as systems.
  • In Physics, students will be introduced to forms of mechanical energy, conservation of mechanical energy in a conserved system, properties of sound waves, heat transfer between bodies at different temperatures, atomic and molecular structures, metals and nonmetals, and solutions.
  • In Science, Technology, and Human Activity, students will explore the health effects of technology use, technological development, and its impact on various aspects of life, energy, and its effects on the environment and public health.
  • In Mental Habits, students will delve into values and attitudes, calculation and estimation, manual control and observation, communication and interpersonal skills, and critical response skills.
  • In Thinking, students will learn to follow algorithms represented on diagrams and understand the implications of shapes in diagrams. Students will anticipate the outcome of the diagram and learn to use code in different algorithms, understand how to develop algorithms with two or more variables, and utilize arithmetic operations in the algorithm.
  • In programming, students will learn to clarify the use of program structures and procedural strategies in programming. Students will design programs containing multiple algorithms dependent on each other, write programs with variables, use conditions to evaluate programs, learn how to debug programs, and create programs for computational tools.
  • In Data Management, students will learn to identify the functions of computational tools for statistical analysis, design data models for specific purposes, select data for specific objectives, design and create a database from a single table, and utilize tools for searching for specific information.
  • In Internet and Communications, students will learn that digital content is stored on servers and how to transfer data from a computer. Students will explain the concept of bandwidth and its impact on speed, factors affecting network strength, and different types of authentication.
  • In Computer Systems, students will understand how to select appropriate hardware and software for a specific purpose, the existence of different programming environments, units of storage measurement, determine the functions of storage units, and understand that robots operate autonomously with various applications for robots.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

217 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 41
Number of classes per academic year 21
Number of classes per academic year 57
Number of classes per academic year 39
Number of classes per academic year 13
Number of classes per academic year 15
Number of classes per academic year 31

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Free education for all levels from kindergarten to higher education
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We provide accredited certificates for your future career
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