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Grade 7


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Arabic Language

English Language


Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Computer Studies

Social Studies

Foundation of Religion


program Detail

Grade 7

9 materials 312 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In the seventh grade, students advance their skills in Arabic language, Islamic education, science, mathematics, computer studies, and English in an advanced manner. They deepen their understanding of Arabic language rules and develop their reading and writing skills at more complex and analytical levels. In Islamic education, students deepen their understanding of religious and moral concepts, applying them in their daily lives. As for science, students explore advanced scientific concepts and engage in interactive, practical experiments. In mathematics, students progress in solving complex mathematical problems and utilize mathematics more extensively in daily life. In computer studies, students learn programming skills and apply them to practical projects. Finally, in the English language, students develop advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively in diverse linguistic environments.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Numbers and Operations, students will learn: recognizing the set of rational numbers and performing operations on them; representing rational numbers in decimal form; comparing and ordering rational numbers; finding the unit rate from fractional ratios; solving problems using the concept of proportionality; distinguishing between direct and inverse proportions; employing proportional division to solve real-life problems; simplifying numerical quantities involving exponents using the order of operations; and solving problems using the scale drawing.
  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn: performing arithmetic operations on boundaries and algebraic quantities and expressing them in simplest form; expressing whole numbers and decimal fractions in exponential form; solving linear equations with one variable; writing the general term of an arithmetic sequence and finding its general limit; expressing linear relationships algebraically and through tables and graphs.
  • In Geometry and Metric, students will learn about angles formed by intersecting lines, angles formed by parallel lines and a transversal, the relationship between interior and exterior angles of a triangle, the sum of the interior angles of a polygon, drawing rotation on the coordinate plane, the relationship between sides and corresponding angles in congruent or similar figures, drawing a geometric shape under the influence of enlargement, calculating the area and circumference of a circle, and finding the total area and volumes of three-dimensional shapes.
  • In Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn to represent data using stem-and-leaf plots, bar graphs, and two-way tables, identify outliers, determine the appropriate measure of central tendency to describe the data, and understand theoretical and experimental probability.
  • - Solving complex mathematical problems.
  • - Applying mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Students will learn aspects of jurisprudence according to the Shafi'i school of thought, including purification, types of water, types of purification, obligations and recommended acts of ablution, obligatory components and recommended acts of ritual bathing, wiping over socks and bandages, dry ablution (tayammum), types of impurities and methods of purification from them, the rulings, evidence, conditions, obligations, pillars, and recommended acts of prayer, the Prophet's way of praying, considering concessions in cases of necessity, and the significance and status of prayer in Islam.
  • Additionally, students will study zakat, its rulings, evidence of its obligation, conditions for its obligation, types of wealth subject to zakat, zakat-related rulings, the wisdom behind instituting zakat, calculating zakat, fasting, its types, timing, what invalidates the fast, some rulings related to fasting, pilgrimage (hajj), its conditions, pillars, obligations, timings, prohibitions of the state of ihram, and the importance and status of pilgrimage in Islam.
  • In Tawheed (Monotheism), students will learn about its objectives, principles, rational judgment, and its categories: obligatory, permissible, and impossible. You will also delve into the knowledge of Allah Almighty, encompassing His obligations in detail, the obligatory attributes of Allah, the psychological attributes, negative attributes, meaning attributes, and what is permissible and impossible regarding Him.
  • In Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis), students will study the interpretation of selected verses from the Quran that address various topics such as advocating for goodness, the rewards and etiquettes of charity, the evidence of Allah's power in His creation, equality among people in creation, greeting etiquette, justice in testimony, the steadfastness of the caller to Allah, like the word of truth and falsehood, righteousness towards parents, uprightness, honoring the status of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the relationship of Muslims with non-Muslims, and the lessons derived from them.
  • In Hadith, students will learn some noble prophetic traditions, their overall meanings, and the guidance they provide, covering diverse subjects like the pillars of Islam, signs of faith, facilitation, and glad tidings, generosity in dealings, righteousness towards parents, consistent recitation and memorization of the Quran, compassion among people, blessings of health and time, the Prophet's innocence from treachery and betrayal, signs of hypocrisy, gratitude for Allah's blessings, the Prophet's conduct at home, the mercy of the Prophet upon those around him, Islam as a religion of action, manners of eating, and avenues of goodness.
  • In the Seerah (Biography) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Students will learn aspects of his life, including his lineage, birth, nursing, some events in his childhood, his conditions before prophethood, the beginning of revelation and its nature, the persecution faced by the companions for the sake of Islam, the reasons for migration to Abyssinia, the response of Najashi (the Abyssinian ruler) to the migrants, the Quraysh boycott of Banu Hashim and its consequences, the stance of some people of Mecca regarding the boycott, the impact of the death of Lady Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) and Abu Talib on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the reaction of Arab tribes to the Prophet's call, the Prophet's struggles in delivering the message.
  • Students will learn aspects of the principles of Tajweed, including pronunciation and its types, the pillars of recitation, its levels, seeking refuge, and the rulings of nunation and Tanween: clear pronunciation, assimilation, inversion, true hiding, and the rulings of elongated Mim and Noon, the rulings of silent Mim: oral hiding, assimilation of similar letters, oral pronunciation, and articulation points of letters and their attributes.
  • Listening: students will learn to demonstrate a noticeable interest in following the auditory content, listen to it attentively, and choose the appropriate time to express their opinion on what they are listening to. Explain new words in light of their auditory context. Infer the main ideas from an auditory text. Identify supporting details for an idea in the auditory text and summarize what has been heard. Distinguish between multiple opinions in an auditory text. Express their opinion on what they have heard, supported by evidence. Clarifies the type of emotion conveyed in what they are listening to. Identifies points of beauty in poetry and prose. Describe the speaker's feelings and emotions. Propose an ending to a fictional story. Various tones of voice are used according to the situation. Speak, considering the culture of the community. Speaks considering the nature of the audience and their time. Follow the agreed-upon order in a speaking session. Demonstrate appropriate emotions during discussions. Speak about their experiences logically. Add enriching details to the conversation and provide an introduction and conclusion to their oral presentation. Emphasize important points in their speech and use appropriate phrases for different social situations. Give oral instructions with multiple steps. Deliver a spoken topic they have listened to. Engage in dialogue with others. Provide appropriate explanations for the situation.
  • In Reading, students will learn to read the lesson aloud correctly and expressively. Differentiate between types of texts in reading. Observe punctuation marks to convey meaning. Recite verses expressing their meaning. Develop memorization skills. Expand their vocabulary. Use diverse linguistic dictionaries. Differentiate between general, main, and sub-ideas. Determine the meanings of vocabulary in context. Link introductions to conclusions, identify the meaning of the text read, and summarize a text in their own words. Identify the main idea of the lesson, extract the general idea of the text, extract sub-ideas from the text, and suggest a general title for the text. Divide the subject into paragraphs and suggest paragraph titles. Learn the meanings of new words, use new words in sentences of their own construction, and explain the text in a literary style of their own. Determine the purpose of the text. Identify points of beauty in texts. Make judgments about the values mentioned in the text and comment on what they read, distinguishing between facts and personal opinions. Appreciate the wording and meanings of the text, justify their judgments, distinguish between arguments presented in the text, reveal the implications and connotations of words, and explain verses in their own style.
  • In Grammar, students will recognize the structure of the Arabic sentence and its formation system in the Arabic language, distinguish between nominative case and declension, and decline them. Identifies the elements of the introductory sentence and declines them. Distinguishes between accusative case nouns and declines them. Distinguish between types of verbs and decline them. Distinguish exception particles, explain their components, and decline the exception. Identifies the state, shows its divisions, and declines it. It delineates the distinguishing features and shows their divisions. Recognize types of numbers and their rules, and decline them. Knows the science of morphology and the original and additional letters, and shows the types of increases and their most famous evidence. Differentiate between the abstract and augmented verbs and indicate their patterns. Differentiate between original and augmented letters in a word. Use morphological balance in nouns and verbs. Differentiate between active and passive verbs. Differentiate between correct and irregular verbs and determine the rules of verbs when assigned to pronouns. Differentiate between necessary and excessive verbs. Differentiate between active and passive verbs. Differentiate between indicative and passive verbs. Differentiate between confirmed and unconfirmed verbs. Differentiate between auditory, standard, and abnormal structures.
  • In Writing Skills, students will learn to write the soft 'alif' correctly. Write the medium and extreme 'alif' in nouns and verbs correctly. Differentiate between the connected and unconnected 'ta''. Identify punctuation marks and use them. Write an engaging introduction related to the topic. Write diverse new ideas. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs. Write a topic with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Express their opinion with justification while writing and adhere to the values and ethics of society in writing. Use various organizational patterns (comparison, classification, and arrangement). Know the stages of the development of Arabic writing. Know the advantages of Arabic writing and its arrangement. Identify the number of Arabic letters and their arrangement. Differentiate between types of creative and functional expressions. Distinguish between dialogical and descriptive expressions. Write various types of letters, taking into account their elements.
  • Demonstrate recognition of word and sentence-level phonological features and use them to construct meaning.
  • understand and respond to spoken English in a variety of simple authentic presentations, instructions, questions, and conversations.
  • Develop strategies of active listening to comprehend and interact in simple discussions and presentations.
  • Develop pronunciation efficiency.
  • Show awareness of other participants in exchanges, dialogues.
  • Develop the ability to partake in long exchanges.
  • Write and assess descriptive and narrative paragraphs for different audiences.
  • Understand that the use of a range of visual text resources can provide information and influence the audience.
  • In Geology and Space, students will explore the significance of sustainable non-renewable mineral resources, population size and consumption patterns, depletion of mineral materials, Earth's history, rock layering and stratigraphy, relative dating, geological time scale, the solar system, the relationship between recurring phenomena such as tides, eclipses, and the rotation of the Earth and the moon, the hydrosphere, forms of water on Earth, and the natural water cycle.
  • In biology, students will familiarize themselves with the characteristics of terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, energy and material cycles in ecosystems, environmental system changes, classification of living organisms, classification of viruses and fungi, plant kingdom and animal kingdom, behavioral patterns aiding animal survival, adaptations aiding animals and plants to live in different environments, and changes in life on Earth.
  • In Physics, students will be introduced to concepts related to force and motion, the impact of force on the body, the collision behavior of two bodies, the behavior of light waves, the reflection of light from polished surfaces, methods of charging bodies, static electricity and current electricity, concepts and elements of electric circuits, and in the field of aqueous solutions, materials based on their properties (acids and bases).
  • In Science, Technology, and Human Activity, students will learn about the health effects of technology use, technological advancements and their impact on various aspects of life, energy and its impact on the environment, and public health.
  • In Mental Habits, students will become acquainted with values and attitudes, computation and estimation, manual control and observation, communication and interpersonal skills, and critical response skills.
  • Information Technology: Students will become familiar with the computer, explain its working principle, understand its advantages, recall its everyday life uses, identify viruses, distinguish when a device is infected, and be able to protect it, maintaining both their health and the system's safety. You will also consider the ethical aspects of computers and become acquainted with professions and jobs related to information technology.
  • Computer Systems: Students will learn the concept of operating systems, correctly operate the computer, utilize the mouse, differentiate between files and folders, rename and organize them, search for files and folders, handle the recycle bin, use the Paint program, and delete and recover files.
  • Text Formating: Students will learn to open and close a text editor program, use the keyboard correctly, create and save files, write and format text, format paragraphs and pages, insert and format tables, insert images, clip art, and symbols in the document.
  • Networking: Students will grasp the concept of networks, become familiar with the services provided by networks, remember the requirements for connecting to a network, interact with a web browser, learn about website addresses, navigate between pages, search for information on the web, and interact with internet pages.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

312 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 49
Number of classes per academic year 32
Number of classes per academic year 46
Number of classes per academic year 52
Number of classes per academic year 15
Number of classes per academic year 44
Number of classes per academic year 41
Number of classes per academic year 13
Number of classes per academic year 20

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