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Grade 8


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Arabic Language

English Language


Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Foundation of Religion


Computer Studies

Social Studies

program Detail

Grade 8

9 materials 290 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In the eighth grade, students progress in developing their skills across a variety of core subjects. In the Arabic language, they delve into the study of grammar and morphology, enhancing their critical reading and literary writing skills. Regarding Islamic education, they deepen their understanding of Islamic teachings and grow in applying values and ethics in their daily lives. In science, they explore advanced scientific concepts and engage in practical experiments to apply these concepts. In mathematics, they advance in algebra and geometry, utilizing mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems. In computer science, they learn advanced programming skills and apply them to practical projects. Finally, in the English language, they advance in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, learning to interact effectively in English language environments.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Numbers and Operations, students will learn to distinguish between rational and irrational numbers, apply the laws of exponential proportions to simplify exponential quantities, and solve real-life problems involving percentages.
  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn about special cases of multiplying algebraic quantities, analyzing algebraic quantities into their factors, expressing algebraic quantities in their simplest form, solving linear inequalities and representing their solutions on the number line, and solving systems of linear equations with two variables by substitution and elimination.
  • In Geometry and Metrics, students will learn to apply the Pythagorean theorem and its converse to solve real-life problems. find the slope of a straight line, determine the equation of a straight line using various methods, determine the relationship between the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, prove congruence of triangles using multiple congruence cases, identify properties of congruent triangles, determine similar triangles using similarity criteria (AA, SSS, SAS), properties of sides, angles, and diagonals of parallelograms and their special cases, Draw the image of a polygon under the influence of dilation in the coordinate plane. Draw three-dimensional shapes using isometric drawing and orthographic projection; determine the shape resulting from the intersection of a solid with a plane and the number of symmetrical levels of solids; and find the surface area and volume of a sphere.
  • In Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn to represent data with a two-way frequency table and interpret it, choose the most appropriate representation for a set of data, find the sample space for a random experiment, and find the probability of a compound event.
  • Solve complex mathematical problems.
  • Apply mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Students will learn aspects of jurisprudence rulings according to the Shafi'i school of thought, including some types of transactions, permissible and impermissible transactions according to Islamic law, offer and acceptance in contracts, the legal evidence for these transactions, types of choices in compensation contracts and financial transactions, the wisdom behind the permissibility of permissible transactions and the impermissibility of impermissible ones, and the principles of legitimate transactions. Additionally, students will delve into topics related to personal status, such as marriage, engagement, dowry, wedding feast, annulment, divorce, remarriage, prohibited women, and the rulings and legal texts governing these matters.
  • In Tawheed (Monotheism), students will learn aspects of the science of monotheism including: the meaning of faith and Islam, their pillars, the relationship between faith and action, the ruling on the increase and decrease of faith, the human need for the message, the extent of the relationship between prophecy and achieving societal happiness, the concept of the prophet and messenger, the chosen messengers of determination, the necessity of religion for the intellect, the general requirements of messengers, the obligatory attributes of messengers in detail, what is impossible for messengers in general, what is permissible for the messengers of Allah, and the ruling on the sending of messengers by Allah. You will also explore the meaning and wisdom of miracles, some of the miracles with which Allah supported His messengers, and the evidence for these creedal rulings.
  • In Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis), students will delve into the exegesis of selected verses from the Qur'an, addressing various topics such as the comprehensive concept of trustworthiness, its ruling, and its impact on society, the qualities of the allies of Allah, their promised rewards in this world and the Hereafter, the primary mission of the messengers and callers to Allah, their method of invitation, the principle that all people are one, not distinguished by wealth or lineage but by piety and righteous deeds, the obligation to be fair to the oppressed regardless of their religion or ethnicity, and the lessons learned from the noble verses.
  • In Hadith, students will study some of the noble prophetic traditions, their overall meanings, and their diverse themes, such as the branches of faith, the virtue of truthfulness, maintaining family ties, contentment, the importance of choosing righteous companions, the greatness of Islam in safeguarding non-Muslims, Islamic rights, and the guidance provided by these Hadiths regarding directives, rulings, and etiquettes.
  • In the Seerah (Biography) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), students will learn aspects of the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), including the reasons for the migration to Medina, its events, the significance of the mosque and the principle of consultation in Islam, the ruling on making treaties with non-Muslims, the reasons for the major Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, the Battle of the Al-Khandak and its important outcomes, how the Prophet (peace be upon him) expelled the Jewish tribe from Medina, the reasons for that, the stance of the hypocrites regarding the expulsion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) of the Jews, and the lessons derived from these topics.
  • Students will learn some principles of the science of Tajweed, including the rulings of assimilation (Idgham) of similar and dissimilar letters, elongation (Madd) and shortening (Qasr) of vowels, types of elongation such as connected (Madd Munfasil), disconnected (Madd Munqata'), substitution (Madd Badal), temporary (Madd Aridh Li Sukun), obligatory elongation (Madd Lazim) and its categories, as well as embellishment (Tafkheem) and lightening (Tarqeeq).
  • In Grammar, students will familiarize themselves with the subject and its types, as well as the deputy subject and its types. They will also learn about the predicate and its divisions, types of predicates, and auxiliary verbs such as "kana" and its sisters, "kada" and its sisters, "ma" for negative, "inna" and its sisters, "la" negating gender, "zann" and its sisters, the object and its types, the absolute object, the object of purpose, the object of location (temporal and spatial), the object with, the condition, the division and derivation of the condition, considering the time of its occurrence in relation to the time of the agent, the specification and its multiples with its owner, whether the condition is established or confirmed, whether it is singular or plural, differentiation and its types, number, exception and the exception, excluded by other or only and the excluded by "laysa" and not to be, excluded by "khala" and "ada" and "hasha".
  • In Morphology (Sarf), students will learn the original, augmented, and types of augmentation, as well as their most famous evidence. They will study verbs in terms of transitivity and augmentation, the three-letter abstract verb forms and the characteristics of the triliteral verb, the augmented forms of the triliteral verb, the forms of the quadriliteral verb, the morphological scale, and conjugating verbs from each other, the solid and mutable verbs, the sound verb and the weak verb, assigning the correct verbs to pronouns and assigning the weak verbs to pronouns, the necessary verb and the transitive verb, the verb built for the known and the verb built for the unknown, and verb confirmation with the letter "noon".
  • In Reading, students will imbibe a sense of belonging and citizenship from an Islamic perspective, and they will get acquainted with the pioneers of Islamic civilization.
  • In Writing Skills, students will learn the literary and technical elements of literary and informational genres, descriptive expression, and functional expression: writing correspondences, private messages (electronic and telegraphic messages), advertisements, and banners. A summary of punctuation marks will also be provided. Additionally, students will learn about the moderate and excessive "alif" in names, the excessive "alif" in verbs and letters, and the excessive "taa" (open and tied). They will also track the evolution of Arabic writing, understand the advantages of Arabic writing, and know the number of Arabic alphabet letters and their arrangement.
  • Understand and respond to spoken English in a variety of simple authentic presentations, instructions, questions, and conversations.
  • Develop strategies of active listening to comprehend and interact in simple discussions and presentations.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge of the differences in pronouncing common problematic phonemes.
  • Develop the ability to cohesively and coherently speak in formal settings.
  • Demonstrate understanding of factual recounts, and informational and literary texts.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information in factual, informational, and literary texts.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of grammar and usage as well as vocabulary when reading a text.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of writing strategies and paragraph components.
  • Understand that the use of a range of visual text resources can provide.
  • use visual imagery to present factual information and select information he/she considers reliable and effective.
  • In Geology and Space, students will become acquainted with mineral resources, the role of geological processes in the distribution of mineral resources, space, exploration tools and methods, planet exploration, manned and unmanned spacecraft, how to land vehicles on the Moon and Mars, plate tectonics theory, plate movement, rock and fossil evidence related to plate tectonics theory, the impact of plate movement on major Earth features, air masses and weather, temperatures and pressures in the atmosphere, and the relationship between air masses and weather changes.
  • In biology, students will explore human use of biological resources in nature, the impact of human water usage on ecosystems, the impact of human land usage on ecosystems, the importance of protecting and sustaining biological resources in ecosystems, the cell cycle, mitosis, asexual and sexual reproduction, inheritance of traits in living organisms, DNA genetics, biotechnology, integration of some human body systems in their function, the immune system, and the integration of the male and female reproductive systems.
  • In Physics, students will learn about concepts related to fluid mechanics, thermal processes, magnetic properties of matter, atomic components, and chemical reactions. In Science, Technology, and Human Activity, students will learn about the role of technology in the advancement of medical fields, technological advancements and computers, their role in learning and education, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and their relationship to technology, recycling, values, and beliefs.
  • In Mental Habits, students will learn about values and attitudes, calculation and estimation, manual control and observation, communication and interpersonal skills, and critical response skills.
  • In Computer Literacy, students will learn about the visible and internal components of computers, understand the concept of software and its types, explore storage units in computers, differentiate between various ports of a computer device, recognize the impact of hardware on its performance, analyze computer components and specifications, classify computers based on their nature of use and capabilities, and compare the performance of different computer devices.
  • In Programming, students will familiarize themselves with Scratch software, review projects in programming, create projects using Scratch software and manipulate objects within the project, understand the concept of blocks and incorporate them into the project, and grasp the concept of stacks and implement them.
  • Regarding Internet Programming, students will learn the HTML language, distinguish between tags and attributes, and write simple programming instructions in HTML.
  • In Presentations, students will understand presentations and their uses, become acquainted with the main screen components, create a presentation containing different slides, utilize ready-made templates and slide backgrounds, and add custom animations and transitional stages to slides.
  • In Internet, students will set a homepage for a web browser, clear the history of visited sites, control the display of images on web pages, learn optimization symbols for Internet searches, create an email address, compose and send a new email, reply to emails, and forward them to another person. Additionally, you will become familiar with electronic portals, their advantages, types, and uses.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

290 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 43
Number of classes per academic year 30
Number of classes per academic year 40
Number of classes per academic year 56
Number of classes per academic year 4
Number of classes per academic year 46
Number of classes per academic year 26
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 31

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