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Grade 10


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


English Language

Computer Studies




Earth and Environmental Sciences

Social Studies

Arabic Language - Grammar

Arabic Language - Literature History

Arabic Language - Morphology (Sarf)

Arabic Language - Reading and Composition

Arabic Language - Rhetoric

Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)



Islamic Education - Culture

Traditional Logic

Islamic Selections

program Detail

Grade 10

20 materials 445 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In the tenth grade, students advance noticeably in their skills across various core subjects. In Arabic, they delve deeper into understanding literature and rhetoric, developing critical reading and literary writing skills. In Islamic education, their understanding of Islamic teachings increases as they delve into the study of jurisprudence, Sunnah, and Islamic history. In science, students explore advanced scientific concepts and participate in sophisticated scientific experiments. In mathematics, students progress in studying algebra and geometry, developing mathematical problem-solving skills for complex problems. In computer science, students learn programming concepts and engage in practical projects. Finally, in English language, they advance in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at advanced levels, and delve deeper into the study of English literature and language.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In the field of Numbers and Operations, students will learn (about relative bases and their characteristics, vectors and how to represent them on the coordinate plane, vector addition, subtraction, and standard multiplication, geometric interpretation of vectors and some practical applications, finding the angle between two vectors).
  • In the field of Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn (about polynomials and their properties, graphical representation of polynomials, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials, relative polynomials and their domain and range, composition of polynomials, inverse polynomials, and radical polynomials, inferring the general limit rule for quadratic and cubic sequences, estimating the slope of the curve by drawing the tangent, finding the first derivative of polynomials).
  • In the field of Geometry and Measurement, students will learn (how to calculate the arc and the area of the circular sector, the relationships between angles in the circle and their utilization in finding unknown angles, writing the equation of the circle and finding the center and radius from a known circle equation, the relationship between two circles and the nature of common tangents, the nature of the unit circle and the standard angle position, finding trigonometric ratios of angles within one cycle, representing trigonometric functions on the coordinate plane and inferring their properties, solving triangular equations so that the solution set is within one cycle, interpreting direction from the north and finding it for a given point, solving triangles using the sine and cosine laws, using the angle formula to find the area of the triangle, finding lengths and unknown angles in three-dimensional shapes).
  • In the field of Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn (describing the relationship between variables using scatterplots and the best-fit line, finding quartiles and percentiles using the cumulative frequency curve, finding measures of dispersion for organized data in frequency tables with classes, calculating the probability of compound events and conditional probability).
  • Solving complex mathematical problems.
  • Applying mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Students will learn aspects of Islamic jurisprudence according to the Shafi'i school in various topics related to worship.
  • Students will learn the rulings of purification, types of water, types of purity, impurity and its types, tanning and its regulations and rulings, rulings on using gold and silver utensils, the virtue of using a tooth stick (miswak) and its rulings, ablution and its obligations, conditions, and recommended acts, ritual bath (ghusl) and its obligations, recommended acts, and obligatory baths, wiping over socks (masah) and dry ablution (tayammum), rulings on clothing for prayer, ritual impurity and its rulings, types and classifications, rulings on menstruation, postnatal bleeding, and irregular vaginal bleeding.
  • Students will also learn the rulings of prayer, its timings, the obligatory prayers that should be performed in congregation with a call to prayer and those that should not, confirmed voluntary prayers after obligatory prayers, rulings of prayers such as Tahajjud, repentance (Tawbah), the pillars of prayer, its recommended acts, integrals, nullifiers, disliked acts, rulings on prostration of forgetfulness in prayer whether obligatory or voluntary, its manner and place, disliked times for prayer without a valid excuse, the virtue of congregational prayer, its ruling, and its rulings, rulings on the prayer of a traveler, conditions for combining and shortening prayers, conditions for advancing or delaying prayers, rulings on combining prayers due to rain, travel, or other reasons, the virtue of Friday prayer, conditions and obligations for its validity, obligatory acts of Friday prayer, etiquette, and the ruling on passing through people's necks during prayer and exceptions to this, what is achieved by attending Friday prayer, how to perform Eid prayers, how to perform funeral prayers, rulings on the martyr and stillborn, the pillars of funeral prayer, and the rulings of charity (Zakat), its ruling, evidence for its obligation, conditions for its obligation, wealth subject to Zakat, its conditions, rulings, testamentary bequest, amounts, and the charity of breaking the fast (Zakat al-Fitr), its conditions, and obligations, eligible categories for Zakat, and the wisdom behind the obligation of Zakat.
  • Students will learn the analytical interpretation of the chapters of Juz' Amma (the 30th part of the Quran) and their objectives, the topics they encompass, the meanings of ambiguous vocabulary, aspects of grammatical analysis, the rhetorical secrets within them, and the lessons derived from these noble chapters.
  • Students will learn a aspect of the science of logic, which includes: the origin of logic, the meaning of logic, its importance, its benefits, the ruling on engaging in it, conception and affirmation, indication and its types, logical terms such as singular, compound, universal, particular, the five universals, and the conditions required for a valid definition.
  • Students will learn some of the noble Prophetic traditions, their explanation, the meanings of the obscure vocabulary in them, their grammatical analysis, and the rhetorical secrets contained within them, such as traditions related to faith, knowledge, righteousness, maintaining family ties, etiquette, purity, prayer, and more. You will also learn the lessons and guidance provided by these traditions.
  • Students will learn about some of the topics that concern Muslims in the present time, such as: the etiquette of dialogue, the correct understanding of migration, the issue of excommunication, the true concept of jihad in Islam, the true concept of caliphate, the true concept of verses on governance in the Quran, the ruling on smoking, alcohol, and drugs, and citizenship.
  • Students will learn aspects of the science of Tawheed (Islamic monotheism), including its meaning, subject, virtue, attribution, founder, name, ruling, issues, definition of obligation, its conditions, the ruling on those who have not received the call in our present time, creed-related rulings related to obligation, knowledge of Allah Almighty, its ruling, evidence, and method of response, rational and legal rulings, their rulings, emulation, the first obligations of the accountable person, consideration, the meaning of Islam and faith, increase and decrease of faith, the obligatory attributes of Allah Almighty, interpretation, similitude, and suspension.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis
  • Students will learn:
  • The reasons for the emergence of Arabic grammar and its founder.
  • Identifying the tribes from which the language was derived.
  • Determining the subject of the book "Sharh Ibn Aqeel".
  • Writing a brief definition of the author of the book "Sharh Ibn Aqeel". Mentioning three benefits of studying the book "Sharh Ibn Aqeel".
  • Distinguishing between primary and secondary topics in the science of grammar.
  • Recognizing the impact of grammar on understanding and clarity of meaning.
  • Clarifying the impact of grammar on correct recitation and understanding of the Quran.
  • Mentioning the works of some Arab grammarians.
  • Mastering the reading of "Alfiyah Ibn Malik".
  • Clarifying the impact of Arab interactions with non-Arabs.
  • Students will learn the authentic Islamic values from its pure sources during the time of the Prophet, his righteous successors, and their followers - may Allah be pleased with them all. Exploring its impact on literary creativity during this era. The political, social, and intellectual events that influenced literature and writers, creating a position that the minds of the renaissance thinkers either stood upon to reach or surpassed to a higher status.
  • Students will become acquainted with what the past eras have produced in terms of styles, ideas, and images, allowing researchers to study them for emulation or critique, thus cultivating in them the ability of criticism and discernment.
  • Students will learn:
  • Distinguishing between morphology and conjugation, distinguishing between the trilateral and non-trilateral forms.
  • Differentiating between the verbal nouns and the enhanced verbs.
  • Clarifying the importance of morphological analysis and its role. Identifying the letters of augmentation and their meanings. Learning how to use dictionaries for detection.
  • Differentiating between the patterns of derivation for trilateral and non-trilateral verbs.
  • Distinguishing between nouns of time and place, and nouns of instrumentality.
  • Distinguishing between the patterns of the active participle and the passive participle for trilateral and non-trilateral verbs. Learning the forms of exaggeration and their usage.
  • Differentiating between the resembling adjective and the active participle.
  • Distinguishing between the exclamatory and the preferential styles.
  • Distinguishing between the emphatic noon.

  • Students will learn:
  • The meanings of difficult vocabulary through context.
  • Analyzing the text into parts and understanding the relationship between them.
  • Accessing implied meanings or those between the lines.
  • Highlighting verbosity or conciseness in literary works.
  • Drawing conclusions about the characteristics of the author and the values they believe in.
  • Dividing the text into units and identifying the subject of each in a suitable heading.
  • Extracting ideas accurately while listening and recording the most important ones.
  • Addressing the meanings conveyed in the text and explaining any ambiguities.
  • Analyzing the text into its main and sub-elements.
  • Recognizing intricate details in the text.
  • Distinguishing between literal and figurative expressions in the text.
  • Writing in the correct language.
  • Expressing ideas using appropriate words without fear, shyness, or hesitation.

  • Students will learn:
  • Understanding the concepts of eloquence and rhetoric, and distinguishing between the eloquence of words and the eloquence of the speaker.
  • Understanding the science of semantics, its branches, and the conditions of reliable attribution.
  • Acquiring the ability to differentiate between logical truth and logical metaphor.
  • Understanding the conditions of constructive attribution and the conditions of the attributed.
  • Understanding the conditions of the attributed.
  • Understanding the conditions of verb complements.
  • The ability to extract rhetorical secrets from the Quran and various literary texts.
  • The ability to provide examples from outside the book on the rhetorical rules studied.
  • Understand and interact with spoken English in a variety of simple authentic presentations, instructions, questions, and conversations.
  • Develop strategies of active listening to comprehend and interact in simple discussions and presentations.
  • Communicate clearly at length.
  • Demonstrate ability to speak accurately, fluently, and effectively.
  • Develop and use a battery of reading strategies to understand a variety of authentic information and literary texts.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information in factual, informational, and literary texts.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of grammar and usage as well as vocabulary when reading a text.
  • Use brainstorming techniques to generate and clarify ideas.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of writing strategies and essay components.
  • Understand that the use of a range of visual text resources can provide information and influence the audience.
  • Use visual imagery to present factual information and select information he/she considers reliable and effective.
  • In the field of (Composition and Properties of Matter), students will learn about modern atomic theory, energy levels, electron distribution, periodic properties, chemical bonds, and Lewis structures. In the field of (Chemical Reactions and Calculations), students will become familiar with the law of conservation of mass and chemical calculations based on mass using the balanced equation. In the field of (Energy Transformations), students will learn about types of reactions based on associated energy, bond energy, Hess's law, and calculations related to the heat of chemical reactions.
  • In the field of Human and Earth Environment, students will learn about public water for domestic and industrial use, its components, characteristics, and its impact on the environment, wastewater treatment, treatment plants, and wastewater as an important source of water. In the field of Earth Components, students will learn about types of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. In the field of Astronomy and Space Sciences, students will learn about star properties such as color, mass, and size, some types of star clusters, the concept of constellations and zodiac signs, the life cycle of stars according to their mass and nuclear reactions in the core of the star, the importance of stars as a source of Earth's chemical elements, star death, supernovae, and black holes. In the field of Geological Processes, students will learn about the characteristics of ocean waters, a vertical section in ocean waters, the concept of ocean waves and currents, and the relationship between oceans and Earth's climate. In the field of Atmospheric Science and Weather Forecasting, students will learn about air masses, air fronts, types of air masses, how air masses transform into air fronts, high-pressure systems, and low-pressure systems.
  • In the field of (Interrelationships in Ecosystems), students will learn about habitat, ecological niche, biological communities, interactions in the biological community, population growth, and ecological succession. In the field of (Evolution of Living Organisms), students will learn about the origin of the first living cells on Earth, theories and evidence of the evolution of living organisms. In the field of (Classification, Adaptation, and Behavior of Living Organisms), students will learn about the classification of living organisms and their general characteristics (viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals).
  • In the field of (Fluid Mechanics), students will learn about the principle of Bernoulli, the equation of continuity, Archimedes' principle, and practical applications of them. In the field of (Physical Quantities), students will distinguish between fundamental and derived quantities, as well as scalar and vector quantities, and learn about vector addition and subtraction. In the field of (Types of Motion), students will learn about uniform and non-uniform motion and the law of universal gravitation. In the field of (Force and Motion), students will learn about the concept of inertia and types of forces. In the field of (Wave Motion), students will learn about different types of waves, the concepts of wavelength and frequency, and phenomena like interference, diffraction, and refraction. They will also learn about the Doppler effect.
  • In Information Security, students will be introduced to the concepts of privacy and information confidentiality, and they will define the concept of intellectual property. Students will explore legal materials on how to protect intellectual property, and they will learn about computer and internet addiction, its symptoms, and causes. Students will identify the side effects of computer and internet addiction and determine appropriate treatment methods. Furthermore, they will clarify the impact of technology on human health, safeguard your device and information, and become acquainted with cybercrimes and methods of prevention.
  • In Algorithms and Programming, students will learn problem-solving steps and understand the concept of algorithms. Students will elucidate the significance of algorithms in problem-solving, write sequential algorithms to solve a given problem, and comprehend the concept of process flowcharts. Students will differentiate the symbols used in process flowcharts, recognize various types of process flowcharts, and draw sequential process flowcharts. Additionally, they will familiarize themselves with programming and programming languages, particularly Small Basic. Students will convert mathematical expressions into programming statements, understand the properties and procedures of different objects, and write a simple program.
  • In Networks, students will identify types of networks and various connection models, along with modern communication methods and network security. Regarding database management, students will become familiar with tables, queries, models, and relationships, retrieve information using different methods, and understand the outputs of databases.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

445 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 39
Number of classes per academic year 18
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 21
Number of classes per academic year 22
Number of classes per academic year 35
Number of classes per academic year 36
Number of classes per academic year 21
Number of classes per academic year 21
Number of classes per academic year 15
Number of classes per academic year 19
Number of classes per academic year 31
Number of classes per academic year 13
Number of classes per academic year 12
Number of classes per academic year 25
Number of classes per academic year 11
Number of classes per academic year 7
Number of classes per academic year 3
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 31

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