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Grade 11, Literery


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.

English Language


Computer Studies

Social Studies

Arabic Language – Grammar

Arabic Language - Reading and Composition

Arabic Language - Prosody

Arabic Language - Morphology (Sarf)

Arabic Language - Rhetoric

Arabic Language - Literature History

Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)

Monotheism and Sects


Traditional Logic


Islamic Selection

program Detail

Grade 11, Literery

19 materials 427 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In the eleventh grade of the literary stream, students advance in developing their skills in several core subjects. In Arabic language, they delve into studying literature, rhetoric, and prosody, and they enhance their reading and writing skills to higher levels of complexity, enabling them to understand and analyze literary texts deeply. As for Islamic education, their understanding of religious and moral values increases, and they delve into studying jurisprudence, Sunnah, and Islamic history, enhancing their understanding of Islamic heritage and its application in their daily lives. In mathematics, they progress in studying algebra and geometry, applying mathematical problem-solving skills in various practical applications and linear equations. In computer science, they learn programming concepts and participate in practical projects that enhance their understanding of technology. Finally, in English language class, they develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and delve deeper into studying English literature and culture.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Patterns, Algebra, And Functions, students will learn:
  • Solving linear inequalities with two variables graphically.
  • Solving systems of linear inequalities with two variables.
  • Solving real-life problems about linear programming.
  • Branching association, its domain, and range.
  • Redefining the absolute value association.
  • Graphical representation of the branching association and absolute value association.
  • Finding the end of an association at a specified numerical, graphical, and algebraic value.
  • Investigating the continuity of the association at a certain point.
  • Finding the derivatives of power associations using both definitions and rules.
  • Identifying critical points, classifying them, and determining intervals of increase and decrease for bounded functions.
  • Sequences and their relationship to series.
  • Finite arithmetic sequences and series.
  • Finite geometric sequences and series.
  • Infinite geometric sequences and series.
  • In Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn:
  • Using the principles of counting, permutations, and combinations to find the number of ways to perform an operation or random experiment.
  • Using the principles of counting, permutations, and combinations to calculate probabilities.
  • Understanding random variables and finding their values.
  • Calculating the probability for a random variable in a random experiment.
  • Calculating the expected value and variance of a random variable.
  • Solving complex mathematical problems.
  • Applying mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Students will learn aspects of jurisprudence according to the Shafi'i school of thought in various topics related to worship. Students will learn the rulings of:
  • Fasting, including its wisdom, its legality, its pillars, conditions, recommended acts, invalidators, and the consequences of each.
  • Obligatory expiation, prohibited days for fasting, concessions for breaking the fast, and rulings concerning fasting for pregnant or nursing women, the elderly, the sick, and travelers.
  • Voluntary fasting and its days, as well as the rulings of retreat (i'tikaf) and its virtues.
  • The rulings of Hajj and Umrah, including the conditions for their obligation, the timing and location requirements, the conditions for the validity of Hajj, its pillars, the pillars of Umrah, the obligations and recommended acts of Hajj, the types of Ihram for Hajj, and the recommended acts of Ihram.
  • In financial transactions, students will learn the rulings of:
  • Sales and its types, conditions, pillars, and the issue of usury.
  • Conditions for valid transactions, types of usury, its harms, types of options, their rulings, causes, and conditions.
  • Barter and its rulings, mortgage, guarantee, partnership and its types, agency, coercion, preemption, borrowing, lease, gift, found property, deposit, will, and recommendation.
  • Regarding family law, students will learn the rulings of:
  • Marriage and its pillars, engagement, prohibited women for marriage, dowry, its ruling, evidence, and amount, as well as division and disobedience.
  • Students will learn the analytical interpretation of the chapters of of Tabarak and their objectives, the topics they encompass, the meanings of obscure vocabulary, aspects of grammatical analysis, the rhetorical secrets within them, as well as the aspects of greatness, guidance, and miraculous nature of the Quran. You will also learn the lessons derived from these noble chapters.
  • Students will learn some of the noble Prophetic traditions, their explanation, the meanings of the obscure vocabulary in them, their grammatical analysis, and the rhetorical secrets contained within them, such as the traditions related to faith, righteousness, maintaining family ties, etiquette, virtues, Muslims' care for their fellow Muslims, urging spending, guarding the tongue, the virtues of knowledge and teaching, the virtue of remembrance, the etiquette of supplication, the ease and leniency of Islam, and more. Additionally, they will grasp the lessons and guidance provided by these traditions.
  • Monotheism: Students will learn aspects of the science of monotheism, including the actions of worshipers, the relationship between causes and effects, divine guidance, misguidance, success, and failure, as well as the promises, threats, happiness, and misery associated with them. Additionally, students will study righteousness, rectitude, divine decree, seeing God in this world and the Hereafter, the necessity of divine messages, revelation and its types, prophets and messengers, their rights, permissions, prohibitions, and impossibilities. Furthermore, students will explore the material and spiritual miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the concepts of miracle and extraordinary event, the sealing of prophethood, the universality of the message, and the abrogation of previous religious laws in Islam, along with the evidences supporting these theological judgments.
  • Sects: Students will learn about the origins of Islamic sects and how they emerged, including the Mu'tazilites, Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, Ash'aris, Maturidis, Kharijites, Ibadiyyah, Murji'ah, Jabriyyah or Jahmiyyah, Qadariyyah, Shi'a, Zaydis, Twelver Shi'ism, Isma'ilis, Baha'is, Ahmadis, and Qadianis (Ahmadiyya), as well as the common principles among Islamic sects and the points of disagreement between them, and the principles of constructive dialogue with others.
  • Philosophy: Students will learn a part of the science of philosophy, which includes: the nature of the philosophical stance, philosophy and religion and science, and the philosophy of ethics: the emergence of ethical philosophy, about ethics and its philosophy, the philosophy of ethics, its nature and schools of thought, the meaning of ethical doctrine, ethical schools of thought, and political philosophy, its concept and subjects: politics and political philosophy, the emergence of political philosophy, theories of the origin of the state, philosophy of governance and the concept of the state, and democratic governance in the current era.
  • Students will learn a part of the science of logic, including: the meaning of proposition, types of propositions: categorical proposition in terms of its subject, the meaning of terms, the words indicating it, categorical propositions in terms of their different subjects, the meaning of conditional proposition, the meaning of contradiction, contradictory propositions in truth and falsehood, what reflects and what does not reflect from propositions, analogy and its types, induction and its types, and representation.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis
  • Students will learn:
  • Distinguishing between the explicit subject and the implied subject.
  • Distinguishing between the active voice and the passive voice, and between the direct object, the indirect object, and the object of association.
  • Distinguishing between exclusion markers: "except," "other than," "apart from," "besides," "not," "but," "only," and "except for."
  • Distinguishing between different types of adverbials: transitional, derived, obligatory, interpreted, and non-interpreted.
  • Distinguishing between prepositional phrases and genitive constructions.
  • Distinguishing between the explicit gerund and the interpreted gerund.
  • Distinguishing between the use of the active participle, the intensive form, and the comparative adjective.
  • Literary techniques such as exclamations, praise and blame, and comparative actions.
  • Students will learn about the aspects of political life in the Abbasid, Mamluk, and Andalusian eras, and their impact on literary output.
  • Students will understand the influence of social life in each of the Abbasid, Mamluk, and Andalusian eras on the literary output of that period, as well as the impact of scientific life in each of them.
  • Students will identify the factors that led to the flourishing of poetry and prose in each of these periods.
  • Students will compare the Abbasid, Mamluk, and Andalusian eras in various literary arts.
  • Students will elucidate the reasons that led to the emergence and spread of poetic and prosaic arts that were not present before these eras.
  • Students will become acquainted with the biographies and literary output of several literary figures from each of the Abbasid, Mamluk, and Andalusian eras.
  • Students will learn:
  • How to determine feminine markers.
  • Distinguishing between adjectives that do not take feminine markers, and the forms of the letter "Alif" for femininity (restricted and unrestricted).
  • Differentiating between the proper, restricted, defective, and unrestricted nouns.
  • Distinguishing between the dual form of proper, restricted, defective, and unrestricted nouns.
  • Differentiating between the plural forms of proper, restricted, defective, and unrestricted nouns.
  • Clarifying the process of diminution for triliteral and quadriliteral nouns.
  • Distinguishing between the attributed and the attribution.
  • Students will learn the meanings of difficult vocabulary through context, and how to analyze the text into parts to reach implicit meanings or those between the lines.
  • Students will identify verbosity or brevity in literary works, and deduce the characteristics of the author and the values they believe in.
  • Students will become accustomed to writing in the correct language, and be able to express their ideas using appropriate words without fear.
  • Students will learn:
  • Attention and Emphasis, with examples of their forms. The rhetorical rules will be extracted from the Quranic texts.
  • Students will recognize Ellipsis, recalling its pillars, types, positions, and components of its style.
  • Students will understand Separation, identifying the places of separation between sentences and their forms.
  • Students will compare between Conciseness and Elaboration.
  • Students will learn the science of Eloquence, and clarify its inclusive chapters.
  • Students will learn:
  • Distinguishing between the sciences of meter and rhyme.
  • Understanding the importance, objectives, and founder of the science of meter.
  • Differentiating between metrical variations and phonetic units.
  • Clarifying the steps of dividing Arabic poetry.
  • How to write metered verses.
  • Distinguishing between poetic meters (al-Wāfir, al-Hazaj, al-Kāmil, al-Rajaz, al-Raml, al-Mutaqārib, al-Tawīl, al-Basīt, al-Khafīf, al-Madīd).
  • Differentiating between poetic feet and rhyme letters.
  • Poetic necessities and images.
  • Understand and interact with spoken English in a variety of authentic and academic contexts.
  • Develop listening strategies to comprehend spoken English and interact in academic and authentic contexts.
  • Develop the ability to speak cohesively and coherently with fluency and accuracy.
  • Develop and use a battery of reading strategies to understand a variety of authentic information and literary texts.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information presented in reading texts.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of grammar and usage as well as vocabulary when reading a text.
  • Use brainstorming techniques to generate and clarify ideas.
  • write essays for different audiences.
  • think critically about the use of a range of visual text resources to communicate and influence the audience.
  • use visual imagery to present information.
  • Select information he/she considers reliable and effective.
  • In Computer Maintenance: Students will learn the historical evolution of computer devices, the diverse specifications of modern devices, understand the mechanism of operating systems, apply computer maintenance steps, identify the most important malfunctions affecting devices and how to remedy them, become familiar with electronic waste, and comprehend the objectives of green computing and its importance.
  • In the programming field: Students will get acquainted with the C++ language and how to print statements, understand variables and data types, learn data input methods, and how to write arithmetic and logical expressions, selection statements, and loop statements.
  • In the field of electronic services: Students will learn about e-commerce, electronic publishing, social networking, and cloud computing.
  • In Information Systems: Students will learn the fundamentals of information systems and the life cycle of information system development, as well as the role of information systems in serving development.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

427 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 11
Number of classes per academic year 41
Number of classes per academic year 19
Number of classes per academic year 19
Number of classes per academic year 29
Number of classes per academic year 19
Number of classes per academic year 30
Number of classes per academic year 84
Number of classes per academic year 32
Number of classes per academic year 10
Number of classes per academic year 22
Number of classes per academic year 30
Number of classes per academic year 11
Number of classes per academic year 9
Number of classes per academic year 4
Number of classes per academic year 20
Number of classes per academic year 38

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