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Grade 12, Literery


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.

English Language


Computer Studies

Social Studies

Arabic Language – Grammar

Arabic Language - Reading and Composition

Arabic Language - Morphology (Sarf)

Arabic Language - Rhetoric

Arabic Language - Literature History

Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)

Monotheism and Sects

Arabic Language - Rhetoric


Islamic Selection

program Detail

Grade 12, Literery

17 materials 440 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


In the twelfth grade of the literary stream, students' skills are comprehensively developed across several core subjects. In Arabic, students delve deeper into the study of literature and rhetoric and enhance their critical reading and creative writing skills to higher levels. In Islamic Education, students' understanding of Islamic teachings and moral values deepens as they study jurisprudence, the Sunnah, philosophy, logic, quranic exegesis, and Hadith more thoroughly. In Mathematics, students explore advanced topics such as derivatives, exponential and logarithmic functions. In Computer Science, students learn advanced programming applications and engage in practical projects that enhance their understanding of technology. Finally, in English, students advance in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and deepen their study of English literature and culture.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn about exponential and logarithmic functions, their properties, and graphical representation, laws of logarithms, solving exponential equations using logarithm laws, finding the derivative of the product of two functions and the quotient of two functions, finding derivatives of various functions using the chain rule, finding the slope of the tangent to the curve of a function at a point, finding the equation of the tangent and the normal to the curve of a function at a point, finding velocity and acceleration for an object moving along a straight line, finding derivatives of implicit relations, solving real-life problems involving finding maximum values, finding definite and indefinite integrals of polynomials, exponential, trigonometric, natural logarithmic, and rational functions, finding the area of the region bounded by the curve of a function and the x-axis, and finding integrals by substitution.
  • Regarding Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn about geometric and binomial distributions, expectation for both geometric and binomial distributions, the normal distribution curve and its properties, and finding the probability of a normal random variable.
  • - Solving complex mathematical problems.
  • - Applying mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.

  • Students will learn some noble Prophetic Hadiths, their explanations, the meanings of obscure vocabulary within them, their grammatical analysis, and the rhetorical secrets they contain, such as Hadiths related to the declaration of faith, brotherhood in Islam, the sanctity of a Muslim's blood, prayer, fasting, righteousness, maintaining ties, etiquettes, the virtues of the Holy Quran, remembrance of Allah, the description of Paradise, having good faith in Allah Almighty, and more. You will also learn about the lessons and guidance these Hadiths provide.

  • Students will learn aspects of the science of monotheism, including the meaning of "As-Sam'iyyat" (matters of faith received through revelation), methods of proving them, their issues, the nature of angels, their categories, characteristics, the ruling on belief in them, the difference between jinn and demons, the reality of death, the ruling on belief in it, views of Ahlus Sunnah and the Mu'tazilah regarding the fate of the murdered, scholarly doctrines on the soul, the wonder of sin, what is meant by the life in Barzakh (the grave period), the reality of the punishment and bliss of the grave, the reality of resurrection, judgment, and assembly, types of assembly, and related rulings, what is meant by the Day of Judgment, its names, the terror of the stance, the terrors of the Day of Judgment, the ruling on belief in the Last Day, the ruling on its denier, its minor and major signs, intercession and its types, the concept of good deeds and bad deeds, levels of multiplying good deeds, the concept of repentance, its conditions, and its ruling, the status of repentance for a disbeliever, the ruling on returning to sin after repentance, types of sins, their expiations, major sins, scholars' opinions on those who commit them, record books of deeds, how these records are taken, the ruling on believing in their existence, the meaning of the scale and balance, the bridge (Sirat), the pool (Hawd), the Throne, the Footstool, the Pen, the recording angels, the Preserved Tablet, Paradise, and Hell, and related rulings, the concept of preserving the five essentials, Imamate, conditions of an Imam, related rulings, commanding good and forbidding evil, evidence for their obligation, their conditions, how to embody virtues and discard vices, and evidence for these theological rulings.

  • Students will learn aspects of jurisprudence according to the Shafi'i school on several topics related to family, such as: khul' (divorce at the instance of the wife), divorce, return (reconciliation after divorce), waiting period ('iddah), breastfeeding, custody, and mourning. They will explore their rulings, etiquettes, the wisdom behind their legislation, and the consequences that follow. Regarding crimes, such as premeditated murder, pure accident, the ruling on homicide, crimes against the person and less than that, types of killing, the punishment for each type of killing, pure premeditation, pure mistake, premeditated accident, conditions for mandatory retribution (Qisas), the ruling on injuries by Qisas, the criterion of Qisas in limbs and its conditions, the ruling on a group killing an individual and an individual killing a group, Islam's approach to dealing with crimes of aggression against others, the fixed punishments (Hudud) for adultery by a married and unmarried person, theft, rebellion, apostasy, and the rulings of Hudud from their Sharia evidence, controls on the establishment of Hudud, types of Hudud, and the harmful effects of falling into Hudud without establishing them, and the punishment for each person who falls under one of Allah's prescribed punishments. Jihad, its wisdom of legislation, conditions, types, rulings, etiquettes, and virtue.
  • Hunting and its ruling and conditions, slaughtering and its ruling, pillars, conditions, and recommendations, the method of Sharia slaughtering, and its etiquettes. Sacrifice and 'Aqiqah, the wisdom of their legislation, their rulings, and what is recommended for the newborn. Oaths and vows, types of oaths and the ruling for each type, expiation for oaths and how to perform it and the necessary conditions, the ruling on vows, types, and their expiation. Judgments, testimonies, litigation, and evidence, the etiquettes of a judge and conditions for assuming judiciary, how to judge in disputes, the status of judiciary in Islam and its virtue, conditions of litigation and its consequences, the wisdom of the legislation of judiciary and litigation, duties of the claimant and the defendant, testimonies and degrees of testimony and their consequences, and types of rights.

  • Students will learn the analytical interpretation of the Surahs in the part "Adh-Dhariyat" and their objectives, including the topics they cover, the meanings of obscure vocabulary, aspects of grammatical analysis, rhetorical secrets within them, the Quranic approach to guiding the individual and protecting society, and the lessons learned from these noble Surahs.

  • Philosophy: Students will learn aspects of philosophy that include: philosophy and environmental issues (the concept of environmental philosophy, the basic stages of human interaction with the environment, environmental thought in the East and among Arab thinkers, the stance of contemporary philosophers on environmental issues and the conservation of species, and the role of environmental organizations and volunteer work in environmental protection. The philosophical perspective on biological and medical ethics, philosophy and professional ethics, examples of philosophers' views on work in light of their cultural differences and eras, and philosophy and its relation to values: philosophizing, the meaning and nature of values, and the values imparted by philosophy.
  • Logic: Students will learn aspects of logic that include: inductive reasoning and its application in the natural sciences, the role of "representative" inductive reasoning in science construction and technology invention, induction and the scientific method in the modern era, and the stages of the experimental inductive method. The meaning of deduction and its application in formal sciences, the integration between the inductive and deductive methods: the concept of science between the traditional and contemporary views, characteristics of science in light of the contemporary scientific method, and logic and communication technology: the concept of cybernetics, the social and ethical implications of automated computing, how to deal with negative images of information technology, the logical basis of computing, the relationship between logic and artificial intelligence, and the role of logic in building communication technology "artificial intelligence as a model."

  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

  • Students will learn to distinguish between the adjective (Na'at) and the noun it qualifies (Man'oot), and articulate the grammatical rules of the adjective, between the rules of verbal emphasis (Tawkeed Lafzi) and semantic emphasis (Tawkeed Ma'nawi) in grammar.
  • Students will differentiate between the rules of apposition for explanation (Atf Bayan), coordination (Atf Nasq), and what is specific to each.
  • Students will distinguish between types of substitution (Badal) and other dependents, in terms of grammatical ruling.
  • Students will differentiate between expressions, such as calling (Nidaa), seeking help (Istighatha), and lamentation (Nidba), in terms of usage.
  • Students will distinguish between expressions of specification, warning, enticing, and verb nouns.
  • Students will clarify what is non-declinable for one reason and what is non-declinable for two reasons.
  • Students will differentiate between the markers that make the present tense verb subjunctive, their meanings, and their functions.
  • Students will clarify what makes one verb jussive and what makes two verbs jussive.
  • Students will explain the rules for distinguishing singular numbers and compound numbers.

  • Students will learn the main factors in the renaissance of modern Arabic literature (its poetry and prose). They will get to know the most famous pioneers of the modern literary renaissance. They will understand the most important trends in modern Arabic literature (both poetry and prose) and distinguish their distinctive general characteristics. They will become familiar with the most important modern literary arts and schools, and the status of Arabic literature within them; to draw comparisons between the schools of poetry in the modern era.

  • Students will learn to distinguish between the Hamzat al-Wasl (the connecting Hamza) and Hamzat al-Qat’ (the cutting Hamza), and understand the types of Illah. Students will identify the positions where the vowels are replaced with a Hamza, recognize the positions where the Hamza is turned into a Ya or a Waw, determine the positions where the Alif is turned into a Waw or a Ya, the positions of replacing Waw with Ya, and the positions of replacing Ya with Waw. Students will also learn to differentiate between the substitution of Ta with Taa or Dal, the rule of substituting Noon with Meem, and the conditions for Illah by transposition. And differentiate between the positions of Illah by transposition and deletion.

  • Students will learn the mechanism of interpreting literary texts in terms of meanings and ideas, and accurately summarize what they read. They will evaluate what they read based on specific criteria and determine the purpose intended by the author, to understand the author's purpose and method of presenting and organizing ideas. Students will learn about types of functional writing and differentiate between functional writing and creative writing.

  • Students will learn rhetorical concepts, including reality, metaphor, simile, and allegory. Students will grasp the subtle differences between these mentioned concepts to demonstrate their rhetorical value. Students will distinguish between types of similes. Students will understand the definition of the science of embellishment (Al-Badi’), outline its categories, and become familiar with some of the rhetorical beautifications, such as antithesis, juxtaposition, pun, allusion, hyperbole, and sound reasoning, to elucidate their rhetorical significance.

  • Understand and interact with spoken English in a variety of authentic and academic contexts.
  • Develop advanced listening strategies to comprehend spoken English and interact in academic and authentic contexts.
  • Develop the ability to speak cohesively and coherently with fluency and accuracy.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information presented in reading texts.
  • Use brainstorming techniques to generate and clarify ideas and differentiate between opinion essays and academic ones.
  • Think creatively about the use of a range of visual text resources to communicate and influence the audience.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of academic essay components.
  • Use visual imagery effectively to present information.
  • Select information he/she considers reliable and effective.

  • In Computer Basics: Students will learn about numbering systems and methods of converting between them, and they will learn arithmetic operations in the binary system. Regarding Artificial Intelligence: Students will learn the concept of artificial intelligence, robots and expert systems, and the concept of search algorithms in artificial intelligence and the types of these algorithms. In Logic Gates: Students will learn the concept of logic gates and their types, will find the output of simple and complex logical expressions, and will represent expressions using logic gates, they will learn about Boolean algebra, the representation of logical algebraic expressions, and logical operations. Regarding Information Security: Students will learn the concept of information security, the risks threatening information security, the meaning of social engineering and will distinguish cyber-attacks, and they will learn the idea of encryption and how to decrypt.

  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

440 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 24
Number of classes per academic year 48
Number of classes per academic year 21
Number of classes per academic year 31
Number of classes per academic year 35
Number of classes per academic year 29
Number of classes per academic year 84
Number of classes per academic year 37
Number of classes per academic year 5
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 30
Number of classes per academic year 18
Number of classes per academic year 4
Number of classes per academic year 20
Number of classes per academic year 38

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