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Grade 12, Scientific


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.

English Language


Computer Studies


Earth and Environmental Sciences



Social Studies

Arabic Language – Grammar

Arabic Language - Literature History

Arabic Language - Morphology (Sarf)

Arabic Language - Reading and Composition

Arabic Language - Rhetoric

Shafi'i Jurisprudence

Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)



program Detail

Grade 12, Scientific

17 materials 560 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


Fourth grade is a crucial stage in students' learning journey, enhancing their intellectual and social capabilities. The curriculum of the fourth grade includes the study of diverse topics that contribute to a comprehensive development of thinking and skills, aligning with 21st-century learners. In the field of Arabic language, students are encouraged to creative expression and explore the realms of numbers in mathematics. This contributes to building a strong foundation for mathematical and creative thinking. In science, we will explore biological diversity and physical phenomena. social studies is the key to the history of society and global culture, understanding their role in the global community. in Islamic education guides students towards Islamic values and ethics, completing their formation.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In the field of numbers and operations, students will learn about the concept of complex numbers and their representation in the complex plane, finding their principal value and modulus, performing arithmetic operations on complex numbers, representing geometric loci of equations and inequalities involving complex numbers in the complex plane, determining points and vectors in space, expressing vectors algebraically, performing operations on them in space, and finding the vector equation of a line in space.
  • In the field of patterns, algebra, and functions, students will learn to find derivatives of various functions, find the derivative of the product of two functions and the quotient of two functions, find derivatives of functions using the chain rule, find implicit derivatives, solve problems and real-life applications involving rates of change, find local and absolute extrema and intervals of concavity for various functions, find integrals involving exponential, trigonometric, and natural logarithmic functions, find integrals using substitution, partial fractions, and by parts, find the area of the region bounded by curves and the volume of the solid obtained by revolving it around the x-axis, solve differential equations.
  • In the field of data analysis and probability, students will learn about geometric distribution and binomial distribution, expectations for both geometric and binomial distributions, properties of the normal distribution curve, and the probability of a normal random variable.
  • - Solve complex mathematical problems.
  • - Apply mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.

  • Students will learn some of the noble Prophetic traditions, their explanations, the meanings of obscure vocabulary in them, their grammatical analysis, and the rhetorical secrets contained therein, such as: Hadiths related to the testimony of faith, brotherhood in Islam, the sanctity of Muslim blood, prayer, fasting, charity, maintaining family ties, etiquette, the virtues of the Noble Qur'an, remembrance of Allah, the description of Paradise, having good expectations of Allah, and more. They will also learn the lessons and guidance conveyed by these Hadiths.

  • Students will learn aspects of the science of monotheism, including the meaning of divine attributes, methods of proving them, their issues, the nature of angels, their types, attributes, the ruling on believing in them, the distinction between jinn and demons, the reality of death, the ruling on believing in it, the opinions of Ahl as-Sunnah and al-Mu'tazilah regarding the term of the slain, the scholars' schools of thought on the soul, the wonders of sin, the concept of the intermediate life, the reality of the punishment and bliss of the grave, the reality of resurrection, reckoning, and gathering, the types of gathering, and associated rulings, the meaning of the Hereafter, its names, the gravity of the situation, the horrors of the Day of Resurrection, the ruling on believing in the Hereafter, the ruling on denying it, its minor and major signs, intercession, its types, the meaning of good deeds and sins, the levels of diminishing good deeds, the concept of repentance, its conditions and ruling, the conditions for the validity of repentance for a disbeliever, the ruling on returning to sin after repentance, the types of sins, their expiation, major sins, scholars' opinions regarding their perpetrators, the records of deeds, the method of taking these records, the ruling on believing in their existence, the meaning of the Scale and Balance, the Path, the Cistern, the Throne, the Chair, the Pen, the Scribes, the Preserved Tablet, Paradise, Hellfire, and their associated rulings, the significance of observing the Five Pillars, the Imamate, the conditions of the Imam, the rulings related to it, enjoining good and forbidding evil, evidence of their obligation, their conditions, how to cultivate virtues and abandon vices, and the evidence for these creedal rulings.

  • Students will learn aspects of jurisprudence according to the Shafi'i school in several family-related topics, including divorce, khula (divorce at the request of the wife), revocation of divorce, 'iddah (waiting period), breastfeeding, custody, and financial maintenance, regarding their rulings, etiquettes, the wisdom behind their legitimacy, and the consequences thereof.
  • In criminal law, students will learn about crimes, intentional and unintentional, the ruling on crimes, homicide and its types, the punishment for each type of homicide, premeditated and unintentional killing, manslaughter, conditions for applying qisas (retaliation), ruling on retaliation for injuries, the rules of qisas regarding body parts, the ruling on a group killing an individual and an individual killing a group, Islamic treatment of crimes of assault, theft, highway robbery, apostasy, rulings on hudud (punishments prescribed by Islamic law) from their legal evidences, conditions for establishing hudud, types of hudud, harmful effects of falling into hudud without their establishment, and the punishment for those who fall into the hudud of Allah.
  • Students will also learn about jihad, its wisdom, conditions, types, ruling, regulations, etiquettes, and virtues.
  • Furthermore, students will learn about hunting, its rulings and conditions, slaughtering, its ruling, pillars, conditions, and recommended practices, and the proper method and etiquette of Islamic slaughter.
  • Additionally, students will learn about sacrifices and 'aqiqah (sacrifice for a newborn), their wisdom, rulings, and recommended practices for the newborn.
  • Moreover, students will learn about oaths and vows, types of oaths, the ruling on each type, expiation for breaking oaths, how to perform it, and its required conditions, the ruling on vows, its types, and expiation.
  • Students will also study legal procedures, testimony, lawsuits, and evidence, the etiquette of judges, conditions for appointing judges, the procedure for resolving disputes, the status and virtues of the judiciary in Islam, the conditions and consequences of a lawsuit, the wisdom behind the legitimacy of judiciary and lawsuit, the duties of plaintiffs and defendants, witness testimony, degrees of testimony, and their consequences, and types of rights.

  • Students will learn the analytical interpretation of the verses of Surah Adh-Dhariyat (The Winnowing Winds), its objectives, the topics it covers, the meanings of ambiguous words, aspects of grammar, rhetorical secrets within it, the Quranic approach in guiding individuals and protecting society, and the lessons derived from the noble surahs.

  • Students will learn to distinguish between the adjective (Na'at) and the described noun (Man'oot), and explain the grammatical rules of the adjective, as well as between the rules of verbal emphasis and semantic emphasis in grammar. They will differentiate between the rules for apposition of explanation and coordination, and what is specific to each. They will distinguish between types of substitution (Badal) and other dependents, in terms of grammatical ruling. They will differentiate between expressions, such as calling (Nidaa), seeking help (Istighatha), and lamenting (Nidba), in terms of usage. And they will distinguish between expressions of specification, warning, enticing, and verb nouns. They will clarify what does not decline for one reason, and what does not decline for two reasons. They will differentiate between the markers that make the present tense verb subjunctive, their meanings, and their functions. And they will clarify what makes one verb jussive and what makes two verbs jussive. And they will explain the ruling for distinguishing singular numbers and compound numbers.

  • Students will learn the key factors in the renaissance of modern Arabic literature (its poetry and prose). They will get acquainted with the most famous pioneers of the modern literary renaissance. They will understand the most important trends in modern Arabic literature (both poetry and prose) and identify their distinctive general characteristics. They will become familiar with the most important modern literary arts and schools, and the status of Arabic literature within them; to make comparisons between the schools of poetry in the modern era.

  • Students will learn to distinguish between Hamzat al-Wasl (the connecting Hamza) and Hamzat al-Qat’ (the cutting Hamza) and understand the types of weakening (Illal). They will identify the positions where vowel letters are replaced with a Hamza, recognize the positions where the Hamza is turned into a Ya or a Waw, determine the positions where the Alif is turned into a Waw or a Ya, the positions of replacing Waw with Ya, and the positions of replacing Ya with Waw. They will also learn to differentiate between the substitution of Ta with Taa or Dal, the rule of substituting Noon with Meem, and the conditions for weakening by transposition. And differentiate between the positions of weakening by transposition and deletion.

  • Students will learn the mechanism of interpreting literary texts in terms of meanings and ideas, and accurately summarize what they read. They will evaluate what they read based on specific criteria and determine the purpose intended by the author, to understand the author's purpose and method of presenting and organizing ideas. Students will learn about types of functional writing and differentiate between functional writing and creative writing.

  • Students will learn rhetorical concepts, including reality, metaphor, simile, and allegory. They will grasp the subtle differences between these mentioned concepts to demonstrate their rhetorical value. Students will distinguish between types of similes. They will understand the definition of the science of embellishment (Al-Badi’), outline its categories, and become familiar with some of the rhetorical beautifications, such as antithesis, juxtaposition, pun, allusion, hyperbole, and sound reasoning, to elucidate their rhetorical significance.

  • Understand and interact with spoken English in a variety of authentic and academic contexts.
  • Develop advanced listening strategies to comprehend spoken English and interact in academic and authentic contexts.
  • Develop the ability to speak cohesively and coherently with fluency and accuracy.
  • Integrate prior knowledge with new information presented in reading texts.
  • Use brainstorming techniques to generate and clarify ideas and differentiate between opinion essays and academic ones.
  • Think creatively about the use of a range of visual text resources to communicate and influence the audience.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of academic essay components.
  • Use visual imagery effectively to present information.
  • Select information he/she considers reliable and effective.

  • In the topic of Matter: Its Composition and Properties, students will learn about theories of acids and bases, related calculations, the concept of the common ion, buffer solutions, and titration. Regarding Chemical Reactions and Calculations, students will understand reaction rates, factors affecting them, collision theory, and dynamic equilibrium. In Energy Transformations, students will get acquainted with the concept of oxidation and reduction, electrochemical cells, and their applications. In Organic Chemistry, students will explore reactions of organic compounds and their preparation in the laboratory and industry.

  • In the field of human and Earth environment, students will learn about the relationship between humans and the Earth's environment, the correlation between the increasing human population and population explosion, changing consumption patterns, the Earth's capacity to sustain humans, the relationship between the capitalist economic system and its impact on sustainability, and human degradation of their terrestrial environment.
  • In the field of Earth components, students will learn about some geological exploration methods: geophysical and geochemical methods and their role in exploring the Earth's subsurface, geological exploration tools: geological maps, drawing scales, and cross-sections.
  • In the field of astronomy and space sciences, students will learn about the Big Bang theory in the expansion of the universe, other theories on the origin of the universe, evidence for the Big Bang theory and expansion, the age of the universe, and how to measure it.
  • In the field of geological processes, students will learn about the theory of continental drift and plate tectonics and their evidence, geological structures, and the uniqueness of Earth among planets, and the relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes.
  • In the field of atmospheric science and meteorology, students will learn about hazardous weather phenomena, tornadoes, and marine storms and how and where they occur.

  • In the field of interrelationships in ecosystems, students will learn about the impact of population growth on biological resources, air and water quality, risks threatening biodiversity, and methods for protecting ecosystems.
  • In the field of cellular processes, students will become familiar with the chemistry of life, cellular energy, the cell cycle and its divisions.
  • In the field of genetics, students will learn about Mendelian inheritance, the structure and function of genetic material.
  • In the field of biotechnology, students will learn about biotechnology and its applications.

  • In the field of linear momentum and collisions, students will learn about the concept of impulse, types of collisions, and the ballistic pendulum. In the field of electric current, students will understand Ohm's Law and methods for connecting resistors in simple and complex electrical circuits.
  • In the magnetic field, students will calculate the magnetic force acting on a moving charge in a magnetic field and the force on a straight wire carrying current placed in a magnetic field. They will also learn about the structure of electric motors, mass spectrometers, galvanometers, and nuclear accelerators.
  • In the field of magnetic flux and Faraday's law, students will calculate the electromotive force induced by magnetic induction and understand the structure of transformers, as well as diodes and transistors.
  • In modern physics, students will interpret phenomena such as the photoelectric effect, blackbody radiation, Compton effect, and atomic spectra, and understand the components of the nucleus, and nuclear binding energy. They will explain the phenomenon of radioactive decay, calculate half-life, and learn about nuclear fission and fusion reactions.

  • In Computer Basics: Students will learn about numbering systems and methods of converting between them, and they will learn arithmetic operations in the binary system. Regarding Artificial Intelligence: Students will learn the concept of artificial intelligence, robots and expert systems, and the concept of search algorithms in artificial intelligence and the types of these algorithms. In Logic Gates: Students will learn the concept of logic gates and their types, will find the output of simple and complex logical expressions, and will represent expressions using logic gates, they will learn about Boolean algebra, the representation of logical algebraic expressions, and logical operations. Regarding Information Security: Students will learn the concept of information security, the risks threatening information security, the meaning of social engineering and will distinguish cyber-attacks, and they will learn the idea of encryption and how to decrypt.

  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

560 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 51
Number of classes per academic year 37
Number of classes per academic year 29
Number of classes per academic year 26
Number of classes per academic year 49
Number of classes per academic year 84
Number of classes per academic year 48
Number of classes per academic year 21
Number of classes per academic year 35
Number of classes per academic year 31
Number of classes per academic year 34
Number of classes per academic year 37
Number of classes per academic year 5
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 30
Number of classes per academic year 11
Number of classes per academic year 18

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