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Grade 4


Let's start an inspiring and exciting educational journey. Explore new worlds of knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse library of educational resources. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking and analytical skills innovatively, providing you with opportunities for academic and social development simultaneously.

The courses available in this class.


Islamic Education

Arabic Language

English Language


Computer Studies

Social Studies

program Detail

Grade 4

7 materials 223 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


Fourth grade is a crucial stage in students' learning journey, enhancing their intellectual and social capabilities. The curriculum of the fourth grade includes the study of diverse topics that contribute to a comprehensive development of thinking and skills, aligning with 21st-century learners. In the field of Arabic language, students are encouraged to creative expression and explore the realms of numbers in mathematics. This contributes to building a strong foundation for mathematical and creative thinking. In science, we will explore biological diversity and physical phenomena. social studies is the key to the history of society and global culture, understanding their role in the global community. in Islamic education guides students towards Islamic values and ethics, completing their formation.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in this class:

  • In Numbers and Operations, students will learn (numbers and counting within millions, addition and subtraction within millions, the concept of negative numbers, multiplication and division, adding and subtracting fractions and decimal numbers, percentages, the highest common factor and lowest common multiple, and decomposition of numbers into prime factors).
  • In Patterns, Algebra, and Functions, students will learn to write algebraic expressions using symbols and find their values, solve equations involving addition or subtraction, and solve equations involving multiplication or division.
  • In Geometry and Metric, students will learn to recognize polygons from other geometric shapes and their types, classify triangles according to their sides and angles, classify quadrilaterals according to their basic properties, understand retraction, understand prisms, pyramids, and their grids, use appropriate metric units (length, mass, amplitude) for the situation, and make conversions between them.
  • In Data Analysis and Probability, students will learn to represent and interpret data represented by grouped points, columns, and double line graphs, find the arithmetical average, median, and mode for single quantitative data, find the range for single quantitative data, distinguish the results of random experiments in terms of equal or unequal chances of occurrence, and arrange the results of experiments of unequal occurrence probabilities according to their likelihood of occurrence.
  • solve complex mathematical problems.
  • Apply mathematical concepts in real-life scenarios.
  • Islamic Faith: Students will learn about the meaning of worship and its types, the relationship of Muslims with the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, with the environment, and with gratitude towards Allah Almighty. Also, students will explore some of the beautiful names of Allah, such as Al-Wadood, Al-Quddoos, Ar-Ra’uf, and Al-Hakeem, and several surahs and verses of the Holy Qur'an and the rules of its tajweed, such as the rules of the non-voweled nun and tanween, the articulation points of letters, the proper pronunciation (Al-Qalqalah), and the rules of elongation of the letters 'Meem' and 'Noon', and some of Al-Hadeeth.
  • The Prophetic Biography and Personalities: Students will delve into events from the Sunnah of the Prophet, such as the migration of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the establishment of the civilized community, the Prophet's dealings with the Jews of Medina, the Battle of Badr, and the Battle of Uhud, as well as aspects of the personalities of some prophets and righteous individuals mentioned in the Quran, such as the advice of Luqman to his son, the upbringing of Moses, his prophecy, his confrontation with Pharaoh, and his exodus from Egypt, peace be upon them.
  • Worship: Students will learn the basics of the rules of prayer, its significance, the supplications (Dua’a) that are said during prayers, the Friday and Eid prayers, the supererogatory prayers, wiping over the socks and shoes, dry ablution, the rules of fasting, Zakat al-Fitr, the meaning of Zakat, its types, disbursement, and etiquettes.
  • Listening: Students will learn to adhere to the etiquette and ethics of listening and recognize sounds, words, and sentences by connecting the auditory and visual aspects. They form new words based on what they hear. Students are expected to identify words indicating who is speaking (the first person), whom they are speaking to (the second person), and who is being spoken about (the third person). Follow the etiquette of listening and recognize sounds, words, and sentences in the heard texts. Additionally, they comprehend and appreciate the text.
  • Speaking: Students enhance and refine their skills in using appropriate methods and behaviors while speaking, including correct pronunciation, content selection, and the use of various speech patterns by respecting different perspectives, including encouraging phrases, pronouncing words correctly in context, supporting opinions with evidence, and engaging in debate using Standard Arabic. Students present oral presentations, act out or play roles, perform theatrically, present a presentation using both facts and metaphors, and express their feelings.
  • Reading: Students will recognize written linguistic symbols, read words and texts, observe punctuation marks, comprehend and absorb the reading material, infer word meanings, and appreciate and critique the text.
  • Syntax and Linguistic Structures: Students will distinguish the parts of the sentence, its types, and the case endings of the noun, identify verb types and types of letters, distinguish and construe the object case, distinguish and construe the subject case, and structure the verbal sentence appropriately, adhering to the rules of grammar and syntax accurately. Students will distinguish pronouns (first-person pronouns, second-person pronouns, and third-person pronouns) and use them effectively. Students will identify the elements of a nominal sentence (subject (Mubtada) and predicate (Khabar)), differentiate between verbal sentence components, identify the subject and its nominative case, and use demonstrative nouns and pronouns in singular, dual, and plural forms. Students will use pronouns (the first person, second person, and third person pronouns) effectively, distinguish verb types, use vocabulary in multiple linguistic contexts, use the dual form, broken plural, the intact masculine plural, and intact feminine plural in various contexts and construe them, use prepositions and construe the genitive noun, use the annexed and construe it, determine the imperative style and explain its purposes, correct some grammatical errors, adjust words according to their place, use the nominative case with nouns, understand the concept of the words place in the analysis and its relationship to word adjustment, distinguish the signs of grammatical status (singular, dual, plural), and construe them in various contexts.
  • Writing: Students will use their basic writing skills to analyze the structure of the text (words, sentences, and paragraphs), organize ideas and events, Write in Naskh script, Ruq'ah script, and beautiful handwriting, simulating a model that reflects language rules and uses them in writing. distinguish the hamza at the end of the word and write it; distinguish the hamza at the middle of the word and write it; write while considering punctuation marks, analyze the structure of the text (opening and closing sentences), write complete sentences, organize their thoughts in writing, Write an inquiry using planning, Write an informative text, considering its elements, distinguish between types of biography and write an external biography, Write an ending to a fictional story, imagining events, write a precise description, Write an idea presenting its advantages and disadvantages using planning. Write an opinion article using planning, Write a short story with its elements, Write a cover for a selected product with a central idea and sub-ideas. write an email considering its components, change the events of a story and write an advertisement considering its components, write a news article, write a persuasive article, plan writing considering the sequence of thought, and plan a project considering the required conditions. distinguish between types of letters, use different media such as charts, cards, letters, and images to reach the main idea of the text, summarize the main idea and details with drawings and maps, and gather information about a specific topic to help in writing, and review personal writing to strengthen it.
  • Develop speaking strategies to formulate longer dialogues and exchanges on a wider range of topics.
  • Develop reading strategies to understand a variety of factual, informational, and literary texts.
  • Make connections between prior knowledge and experiences, simple factual recounts, and informational and literary texts.
  • Compose 5-7-sentence texts using reading texts as models.
  • Recognise that the use of visual text resources can provide information and influence the audience.
  • Use visual imagery to present factual information or to tell a story.
  • In Geology and Space, students will learn about the Earth's layers, the Earth’s mantles and their significance, the relationships between them, and the changes occurring on the Earth's surface, as well as weather patterns.
  • In Biology, students will explore the components of ecosystems, biological communities, and societies; the impact of environmental changes on ecosystems; major plant groups; the importance of plants in human life; major animal groups; the significance of animals in human life; fungal characteristics and their importance; the human body's need for various types of nutrients; major food groups; a balanced diet and its importance; and the integration of human body systems in their functioning.
  • In Physics, students will delve into natural resources, energy resources and transformations, chemical elements and compounds, light and its properties, sound and its properties, physical properties of materials, changes in matter, speed, and mechanical energy.
  • In Science, Technology, and Human Activity, students will explore the health effects of technology use, technological advancements and their impact on various aspects of life, energy and its impact on the environment, and public health.
  • Lastly, in Mental Habits, students will acquaint themselves with values and attitudes, the cognitive and mental skills that help individuals understand quantities and values accurately and objectively, manual control and observation, communication and interpersonal skills, and critical response skills.
  • In Thinking: Students will learn to follow and correct algorithms containing choices, understand that different algorithms can be used to complete tasks, anticipate outputs of algorithms containing choice statements, comprehend and employ variables in algorithms, understand how to develop algorithms for objects, employ selection in algorithms, and use comparison and mathematics in algorithms.
  • In programming: Students will deal with variables in programs and algorithms, know how to define the goals and outputs of a program plan, and learn to evaluate programs using specific metrics.
  • In Data Management: Students will learn to use various computational tools, identify different methods for data representation, know how to modify data representation, specify the type of data used in a specific cell, and use arithmetic operations and mathematical formulas in spreadsheets.
  • In Internet and Communications: Students will understand the role of communication devices in the network, clarify the concept of network protocol addresses, know where internet locations are stored and how others access them, understand the role of cellular networks in communication, understand that data is sent in packets over networks and the method of sending messages, and be able to identify problems resulting from network disconnection.
  • In Computer Systems: Students will describe the Internet of Things, forms of storage and their units, how computers operate, and the goals of artificial intelligence.
  • Under work pending completion of curriculum analysis

Study Plan

223 Lectures

Number of classes per academic year 53
Number of classes per academic year 22
Number of classes per academic year 54
Number of classes per academic year 47
Number of classes per academic year 14
Number of classes per academic year 13
Number of classes per academic year 20

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