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Tahun Pertama Sekolah Menengah Sastra

Sekolah Menengah

Mari kita mulai perjalanan pendidikan yang inspiratif dan menarik, di mana kita menjelajahi dunia baru pengetahuan dan keterampilan melalui perpustakaan sumber daya pendidikan yang melimpah dan beragam, memuaskan rasa ingin tahu Anda, dan mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis serta analisis dengan cara inovatif yang memberi Anda kesempatan untuk berkembang secara akademis dan sosial sekaligus.

Kursus yang tersedia di kelas ini


Bahasa Inggris

Studi Islam - Fiqih Syafi'i

Studi Islam - Tafsir

Studi Islam - Tauhid dan Aliran

Studi Islam - Hadis

Logika Kuno

Studi Islam - Filsafat

Pilihan Islam


Studi Sosial

Bahasa Arab - Tata Bahasa

Bahasa Arab - Morfologi

Bahasa Arab - Balaghah

Bahasa Arab - Sejarah Sastra

Bahasa Arab - Ilmu ‘Arudh

Bahasa Arab - Membaca dan Menulis

program Detail

Tahun Pertama Sekolah Menengah Sastra

19 materials 427 Lectures
  • Lifetime access
  • Graded exams
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
Study Plan


Di kelas sebelas sastra, siswa berkembang dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mereka di beberapa mata pelajaran dasar. Dalam bahasa Arab, mereka mendalami studi sastra, balaghah, dan ilmu al-‘arudh dan mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis pada tingkat yang lebih kompleks, memungkinkan mereka untuk memahami dan menganalisis teks sastra secara mendalam. Dalam pendidikan Islam, pemahaman mereka tentang nilai-nilai agama dan moral meningkat dan mereka mendalami studi fiqh, hadis, dan sejarah Islam, yang memperkuat pemahaman mereka tentang warisan Islam dan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam matematika, mereka melanjutkan studi aljabar dan geometri serta menerapkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah matematika dalam berbagai masalah aplikasi dan ketidaksamaan linear. Dalam pelajaran komputer, mereka mempelajari konsep pemrograman dan berpartisipasi dalam proyek aplikasi yang meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang teknologi. Akhirnya, dalam bahasa Inggris, mereka berkembang dalam keterampilan mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis, serta mendalami studi sastra dan budaya Inggris lebih jauh.

What you'll learn

The student will learn in the following subjects:

  • Patterns, Algebra, and Functions: Learn (solving linear inequalities with two variables graphically, solving a system of linear inequalities with two variables graphically, solving real-life problems using linear programming, piecewise functions and their domains and ranges, redefining absolute value functions, graphing piecewise functions and absolute value functions, finding the limit of a function at a specific value numerically, graphically, and algebraically, and studying the continuity of a function at a point, finding the derivative of power functions using both definitions and rules, identifying and classifying critical points and intervals of increasing and decreasing for polynomials, sequences and their relation to series, finite arithmetic and geometric sequences and series, and infinite geometric sequences and series).
  • Data Analysis and Probability: Learn (using the principle of counting, permutations, and combinations to find the number of ways to perform a random process or experiment, calculating probabilities using the principle of counting, permutations, and combinations, understanding random variables and finding their values, calculating probability for a random variable in a random experiment, and finding the expectation and variance of a random variable).
  • Solve complex mathematical problems.
  • Apply mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.
  • Learn about jurisprudence rules according to the Shafi'i school on various topics in worship including: fasting, its wisdom and legitimacy, its pillars, conditions, recommended practices, nullifiers, and consequences of each, obligatory expiation, days when fasting is forbidden, exemptions for fasting (for pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly, the sick, and travelers), voluntary fasting and its rulings, and the rules of i'tikaf (spiritual retreat) and its virtues. Also learn about the rules of Hajj and Umrah, conditions for Hajj, temporal and spatial boundaries, validity conditions for Hajj, pillars of Hajj and Umrah, obligatory acts and Sunnahs of Hajj, types of Ihram for Hajj, and Sunnahs of Ihram. In transactions, you will learn the rules of: sale, its types, conditions, pillars, interest (Riba), conditions of equivalent sale, types of interest, its harms, options, and their causes, Salam (forward sale), mortgage, guarantee, partnership and its types, agency, seizure, redemption, loan, found items, and bequests. In family law, you will learn about: marriage and its pillars, rules of engagement, prohibited degrees of marriage, dowry, and its ruling and evidence.
  • Learn analytical Tafsir of the Surahs of Juz' Tabarak, their objectives, including their topics, meanings of ambiguous words, grammatical aspects, rhetorical secrets, aspects of grandeur, guidance, and miracles of the Quran, and the lessons learned from these Surahs.
  • Monotheism: Learn aspects of Tawhid including: actions of worshippers, relationship between causes and effects, guidance and misguidance, promises and threats, happiness and misery and related rulings, righteousness, fate and predestination, seeing Allah in this world and the hereafter, the need for divine messages, types of revelation, the Prophet and the Messenger, what is obligatory, permissible, and impossible regarding the Prophets, material and spiritual miracles of the Prophet, the finality of prophethood, universality of the message, and Islam abrogating previous laws, and evidence for these doctrinal rulings.
  • Sects: Learn about sects, how Islamic sects originated: Mu'tazilites, Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah; Ash'aris, Maturidis, Khawarij, Ibadis, Murji'ah, Jabriyyah (Jahmiyyah), Qadariyyah, Shia, Zaidis, Imami Ithna Asharis, Ismailis, Baha'is, Qadiyanis (Ahmadis), the common principles and differences between Islamic sects, and how to engage in constructive dialogue with others and its principles.
  • Learn some prophetic Hadiths, their explanations, meanings of ambiguous words, grammatical aspects, and rhetorical secrets in topics such as: faith, righteousness, social relations, manners, virtues, caring for fellow Muslims, encouragement to spend, controlling the tongue, virtues of knowledge and teaching, virtue of remembrance, and the ease and tolerance of Islam, among others. Also learn the lessons and guidance provided by these Hadiths.
  • Learn aspects of logic including: the meaning of propositions, types of propositions: categorical propositions based on their subject, meaning of syllogism, words indicating them, categorical propositions based on their form, meaning of conditional propositions, meaning of contradiction, propositions that are contradictory in truth and falsity, what is reflected and not reflected by propositions, syllogism and its types, induction and its types, and analogy.
  • Philosophy: Learn aspects of philosophy including: the nature of philosophical stance, philosophy, religion, and science, philosophy of ethics: origins, and philosophies of ethics, and the meaning of ethical doctrines, moral philosophies and their schools, political philosophy including: the concept and subjects of political philosophy, origins of political philosophy, theories of state formation, philosophy of governance and the concept of the state, and democratic governance in the current age.
  • Logic: Learn aspects of logic including: principles of logic (definitions and propositions: definition of logic, logic in daily life, history and development of logic, importance and benefits of logic, logic and language, logical definitions, logical propositions, and logical reasoning and arguments: definition of reasoning, types of reasoning: direct reasoning ("contrast between propositions"), indirect reasoning ("syllogism"), logical arguments, deductive reasoning ("deductive arguments"), and inductive reasoning ("inductive arguments").
  • Pending until the curriculum analysis is completed.
  • Learn to distinguish between explicit and implied subjects.
  • Learn to distinguish between the active and passive voice, and between what is done for a reason, time, and accompaniment.
  • Learn to distinguish between exceptions, except, other than, and exclusion using “except”.
  • Learn to distinguish between different types of adverbials (transitive, derived, necessary, and implied).
  • Learn to distinguish between prepositional and genitive case.
  • Learn to distinguish between explicit and implied sources.
  • Learn to distinguish between using active participles, exaggerated forms, and descriptive adjectives.
  • Learn techniques such as: exclamation, praise and blame, and comparative degree.
  • Learn meanings of difficult words through context, and how to analyze a text into parts to understand the implicit meanings.
  • Identify verbose or overly concise literary works and infer the characteristics and values of the author.
  • Develop correct writing skills and express ideas confidently using appropriate vocabulary.
  • Distinguish between prosody and rhyme.
  • Understand the importance, goals, and originator of prosody.
  • Distinguish between prosodic measures and phonetic units.
  • Explain the steps for analyzing Arabic poetry.
  • Learn the prosodic writing of poetic verses.
  • Distinguish between prosodic defects and faults.
  • Distinguish between Arabic poetic meters: (Wafir, Hazzaj, Kamil, Rajas, Raml, Mutakarrib, Tawil, Basit, Khafif, Madid).
  • Distinguish between the movements and letters of the rhyme.
  • Understand poetic necessities.
  • Learn how to identify feminine markers.
  • Distinguish between different types of nouns (e.g., names, adjectives, and particles).
  • Understand verb forms, their derivations, and grammatical rules.
  • Analyze Arabic literature and understand its components and themes.
  • Examine the impact of cultural and historical contexts on literary works.
  • Apply literary criticism techniques to evaluate works of literature.
  • Study the history of Islamic civilization, including its origins, key figures, and contributions to various fields.
  • Examine the impact of Islamic civilization on global history and culture.
  • Analyze major events and figures in modern history.
  • Understand the development of contemporary political, economic, and social systems.
  • Study geographical concepts and their applications in real-life contexts.
  • Examine the impact of geographical factors on human activities and societies.
  • Learn fundamental economic principles and their applications.
  • Analyze economic systems and their impact on global and local economies.
  • Understand sociological theories and their application to social phenomena.
  • Analyze social structures and their impact on individuals and societies.
  • Examine political theories, systems, and institutions.
  • Understand the role of politics in shaping societies and global relations.
  • Study legal systems and their impact on society.
  • Analyze the principles of justice and legal reasoning.
  • Understand anthropological theories and methods.
  • Examine the role of culture in shaping human behavior and societies.

Study Plan

Jumlah Jam Pelajaran 427

Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 11
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 32
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 10
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 22
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 30
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 11
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 9
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 3
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 41
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 19
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 19
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 29
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 19
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 30
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 84
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 20
Jumlah jam pelajaran dalam tahun ajaran 38

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